Pinjaman MARA Pengajian Tinggi Luar Negara Sesi 2009/2010 Skim SPC


Para lepasan Diploma dan Ijazah Bumiputera warganegara Malaysia adalah dipelawa untuk memohon tajaan MARA di bawah Skim Pelajar Cemerlang (SPC) bagi melanjutkan pengajian di Instituti Pengajian Tinggi Terkemuka (Top Universities) di luar negara.

Peringkat pengajian yang akan ditaja adalah Ijazah Pertama, Profesional, Ijazah Sarjana dan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah. Manakala bidang pengajian pula adalah Kejuteraan, Bioteknologi, Sains Gunaan, Sains Kuantitatif, Sains Tulen, Sains Perubatan, Kewangan, Perbankan, Perakaunan dan Ekonomi. Bidang pengajian profesional pula adalah ACCA, CA, CIMA dan RIBA Part II.

Kelayakan akademik bergantung kepada peringkat ijazah dalam bidang berkaitan dengan pencapaian CGPA 3.00 ke atas untuk bidang pengajian Kejuteraan, Bioteknologi, Sains Gunaan, Sains Kuantitatif, Sains Tulen, Sains Perubatan, ACCA, CA, CIMA dan RIBA Part II. Manakala CGPA 3.5 ke atas Kewangan, Perbankan, Perakaunan dan Ekonomi.

Had umur untuk pengajian Ijazah Pertama adalah tidak melebihi 30 tahun pada 31 Disember 2009, tidak melebihi 35 tahun untuk pengajian Profesional dan Ijazah Sarjana dan tidak melebihi 40 tahun untuk pengajian Ijazah Doktor Falsafah.

Di antara syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan untuk memohon bantuan pinjaman pelajaran MARA ini adalah:

  • Tidak pernah mengikuti kursus di peringkat pangajian yang sama di bawah pembiayaan sendiri atau dianjur oleh mana-mana badan penganjur.
  • Aktif dalam ko-kurikulum semasa di kolej atau universiti.
  • Mencapai kredit dalam semua mata pelajaran yang diambil di peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
  • Memperolehi markah sekurang-kurangnya 5.5 ke atas bagi ujian International Language Testing System (IELTS) atau 550/65 bagi ujian Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
  • Mereka yang di dalam perkhidmatan tetap pendidikan atau perguruan atau mempunyai ikatan pekhidmatan di kalangan tenaga pengajar di IPTA dan IPTS adalah tidak layak untuk memohon.
  • Tawaran adalah tertakluk kepada pemohon mendapat Tawaran Tanpa Syarat di Universiti Terkemuka sahaja

Calon-calon dikehendaki menguruskan sendiri penempatan ke Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Terkemuka Luar Negara. Maklumat lanjut mengenai universiti berkenaan boleh diperolehi daripada British Counci telefon 03 2723 7900, Malaysian British Educational Cooperation Services (MABECS) telefon 03 7956 7655, Irish Universities & Medical Schools Consortium (Ireland) telefon 03 2163 2302, International Development Programme (Education Australia) telefon 03 2162 3755 atau 03 5636 5548, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD-KL) telefon 03 2148 0568, Canadian Education Centre telefon 03 2162 2001, Malaysian American Commission on Education Exchange (MACEE) telefon 03 2166 8873 dan Institut Usahawan Bumiputera telefon 03 2693 9121 atau 03 2692 1123.

Tempoh tajaan adalah antara 2 hingga 3 tahun bagi peringkat Ijazah Pertama, 1 hingga 2 tahun di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana dan 3 hingga 4 tahun di peringkat Ijazah Doktor Falsafah. Tawaran ini adalah untuk kemasukan sesi pengajian yang bermula di antara bulan Julai 2009 hingga Februari 2010.

Borang permohonan boleh diperolehi di Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA, Tingkat 3, Medan MARA, 21, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur.

Tarikh tutup permohonan adalah pada 23 Januari 2009.

Sila rujuk iklan Tawaran Pinjaman Pelajaran MARA Bagi Mengikuti Pengajian Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Terkemuka Luar Negara Sesi 2009/2010 Di Bawah Skim Pelajar Cemerlang untuk maklumat lanjut.

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444 thoughts on “Pinjaman MARA Pengajian Tinggi Luar Negara Sesi 2009/2010 Skim SPC

  1. alamak. tarikh tutup 23januari. waktu tu keputusan ielts saya baru keluar. bagaimana ya?

    saya juga telah mendapat tempat bagi program ijazah sarjana di universiti cardiff, wales, uk bagi sesi sept 2009 serta melepasi syarat-syarat yang lain. cumanya itulah, surat tawaran masih ‘conditional’ kerana belum terima keputusan ielts.

    agak-agak boleh memohon tak?

    ps: if it were to be any sort of assurance, saya amat yakin dengan penguasaan bahasa inggeris saya. muet saya dulu dapat band 6.

  2. Zaini,
    Pada pendapat saya anda boleh memohon. Walaupun begitu untuk kepastian sila datang sendiri ke MARA atau hubungi mereka di talian 03 2691 5111.

  3. Terima kasih banyak nilam. saya rasa saya akan ke pejabat mara sendiri. terima kasih lagi sekali.

  4. AzeemAdzmi says:


    bro just nak tanya. surat tawaran kene antar skali ke? takleh mintak pinjaman and mintak?


  5. Zaini,
    Sama2… nanti beritahula hasilnya.

    Azeem Adzmi,
    Salam… Semasa ambil borang perlu bawa sijil kelulusan atau transkrip peperiksaan sahaja.

  6. salam tuan..

    bagaimana pula untuk bidang Sains Komputer? masih boleh memohon ke?

  7. Hi…just nak kongsi…
    I mmg dah bersedia lama for spc…hence, my 3.81 cgpa in chemical engin (dip) hopefully (truly) get it la…
    so, i’ve applied for UK top five univ (only accepted by MARA) and bila i hanta satu package (borang kuning+benda2 fotostat) include skali ur ‘track’ dr ucas website…IELTS adalah wajib! so register asap…thus, bila interview nanti (if MARA panggil la) sila tunjuk kat interviewer the balance of the syarat2 hehe. for me its; tawaran dr imperial college unconditional (hopefully), ielts result slip, borang penangguhan jpa+ptptn yg i dpt time dip dulu…hehe. any q bole email me. i’m an expert in mara spc (self-rightous g2). oh btw, i’m a male applicant. if cukup syarat male applicant dapat senang coz…u know girls so many of them applying n within the spc sys.

  8. boleh tahu tak…kalau keputusan SPM ade satu subjek tak kredit (bukan subjek BM atau Math), boleh buat rayuan tak untuk mohon pinjaman mara untuk pengajian luar negara? harap dapat bantu…

  9. Encik Faiz, memang salah satu syarat SPC for spm to acheive all credits. when i applied for the borang kuning spc tu @ bangunan mara, abang kaunter tu dia check spm and transkrip diploma (in my case). SPM mesti credit all subjects and dip/degree/master kene TAMAT + within range of acceptable cgpa…

  10. Skycrew,
    Menurut iklan, Sains Komputer bukan salah satu bidang pengajian yang akan ditaja.

    Miew Miew,
    Terima kasih dengan bantuan anda berkongsi maklumat di sini thanks!

  11. Ainul Mardhiyah says:

    Salam semua,

    Baru hari ini saye sedar bahawa borang untuk SPC 2009/2010 telah dikeluarkan. Adakah masih sempat lagi bagi saya memohon SPC sekiranya saya pergi mengambil borang pada 23hb Jan ini? Jika ya, apakah dokumen-dokumen yang perlu saya sediakan bagi melengkapkan borang tersebut supaya saya boleh menghantarnya pada hari itu juga? Agak mengejutkan saya kerana tempoh masa untuk memohon adalah begitu singkat dan ia ternyata sukar bagi saya yang tinggal di Johor untuk pergi mendapatkan borang tersebut di MARA HQ.

    Terima kasih.

  12. huhu. spm dikira kredit jika dapat gred 6 ke atas ye? saya baru tahu. hehe.

    saya ambil 11subject dulu dan dapat 7a 3b 1d. d – bahasa arab tinggi =P, jadi saya tak layak memohon. sebab bukan dalam kategori pelajar cemerlang. haih =)

    tapi kan nilam, bagaimana jika potential candidate tu spm hanya dapat kesemua cukup2 credit saja? dan tiada subject diambil dapat a (ie 11subject jadi dapat 11c) dia dikira pelajar cemerlangkah justeru layak menerima tawaran?

    mungkin ada saringan lagi selepas tu kut. tetapi untunglah dia dapat ambil borang =)

    alamak bunyi macam sour grape saja saya ni. hihi.

    neway, trima kasih byk nilam =)

  13. Encik Zaini,

    Huhu…MARA take the SPM all credits as the syarat only. apart of the spm, IELTS 5.5 above, surat penangguhan penaja terdahulu, ape tah lagi. the lever i think what ur bidang (critical) and ur cgpa (3.50++ preferably)…anyway, tq nilam hargai i, i appreciate it.

  14. Miew Miew,

    yuppy yup. not to mention the particular mara training or some sort of btn like program to attend to prior to the selection.

    tapi kalau dapat band 8 for ielts n other stuff complied but cannot get thru 1 stage – ambil borang, memanglah haru.

    hihi. no luck i think. heh. or just me being dumbo. rofl.

  15. Ainul Mardhiyah,
    Salam… Saya syorkan anda menghubungi MARA di talian 03 2691 5111 untuk mendapatkan cukup maklumat sebelum datang ke KL. Secara amnya untuk mendapat mendapatkan borang anda perlu tunjuk sijil kelulusan dan transkrip peperiksaan.

    Zaini and Miew Miew,
    Mungkin MARA boleh ubah syarat untuk layak mengambil borang. Macam Zaini katakan jika syarat2 lain dapat dipenuhi dengan baiknya tetapi tidak layak mengambil borang macam tak adil pulak. Mungkin boleh diubah mesti mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 5A atau jika tiada A semua matapelajaran mesti kredit. Jadi calon yang berpotensi macam Zaini boleh memohon.

  16. permohonan mara o jpa ni mmg untuk calon spm pd thn itu sahaja ke?
    pengajian luar negara dalam pendidikan xdeke?

  17. Aisyah,
    Tidak, ia bergantung kepada tawaran yang disediakan. Pinjaman MARA Pengajian Tinggi Luar Negara yang dinyatakan di atas adalah untuk lepasan Diploma dan Ijazah. Setahu saya untuk pendidikan tidak ada tetapi untuk bahasa Inggeris ada.

  18. Salam,

    Boleh tak saya apply SPT instead of SPC utk study di UK?
    Sebab saya dah terlepas tarikh utk SPC.

    Saya sudah mendapat tempat di Uni Cardiff dan sepatutnya fly pada september ini.

    Ada tak cara lain utk sy apply loan study?
    Saya buntulah.

  19. Sarah,
    Salam… anda boleh cuba mohon pinjaman dari JPA, sila rujuk Skim Pinjaman Yuran Pengajian Di Luar Negara JPA untuk maklumat lanjut.

  20. insan tertanya2 says:

    saya nak tanya jika jika dibawah tajaan mara adakah kita perlu meminta kebenaran untuk berkahwin?apakah prosedur yang mara tetapkan??

  21. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    SALAM kawan seperjuangan.

    Saye nak tanye, kalau apply for Masters, xperlu apply top uni in uk kan? i’m applying for masters (MSc Subsea Engineering). but then certain universities je ade (which are in scotland – university of aberdeen). So should be a prob right? lame nye nak tunggu poskad spc ni sampai umah.. Harap those who qualified dapat. Saye doakan sape2 yang apply, dapat spc ni. Amin.

  22. Hi Akmal,

    U better refer BPP MARA lah… MARA sensitif sikit bab2 top 10 universiti ni. Kang everything else okay… sangkut kat univ plak… I bace paper interview spc dlm bulan 3…

  23. Insan tertanya2,
    Cuba semak kandungan perjanjian yang ditandatangani dengan MARA dan berhubung dengan pihak MARA untuk kepastian.

    Akmal Fauzee,
    Saya sendiri tidak ada maklumat mengenainya mungkin pembaca yang lain boleh membantu. Anda memang patut rujuk pihak MARA sebagaimana saranan Miew Miew.
    InsyaAllah semua yang layak akan dapat.

  24. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    Salam Rakan2 seperjuangan,

    Saye apply due tempat and ade unconditional offer letter; i.e:

    1) University of Aberdeen – MSc Subsea Engineering
    2) Newcastle University – MSc Pipeline Engineering

    last year ade tanye En. Shahidan namenya(if i’m not mistaken), die cakap for degree, it has to be in the top 10 list whilst masters diorang x kesah asalkan terkenal. InsyaAllah kalau dapat pi interview, i will raise out this question.

    anyway, interview spc bulan 3 ni ke? Em, again, i will always pray those who are qualified and eligible enough will receive the financial aids (SPC) from MARA..

    salam takzim!!!!

  25. I pun pray for those who have aimed SPC since i donno…early my Diploma (or Degree for others) get the sponsorship. Harap la interview cepat sikit dalam awal March ke, cepat selesai, the better. I really look fwd to meeting u guys @ btn nanti (ce wah… mcm dah konfem dpt jek).

  26. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    yeah, looking forward to meeting u guys too time btn. kat office ni mcm jiwa dah xde dlm office. aduih.. haha

  27. Hi… u guys ade idea tak mcm mane nak buat penangguhan kontrak perkhidmatan jpa (Diploma I under JPA). Masa kat kaunter MARA hantar borang kuning tu, abang kaunter tu cakap buat je la sementara dipanggil interview nih. Kene pegi Putrajaya ke? Kat mane ek kat Putrajaya JPA tuh?

  28. Miew Miew,
    Harap ada pembaca di sini yang dapat membantu. Sementara itu mungkin anda boleh menghubungi JPA di;
    Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan
    Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia,
    Aras 4-6, Blok C1, Kompleks C,
    Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
    62510 Putrajaya, Malaysia.
    Tel : 603-8885 3049
    Email :

  29. boleh saye tahu ape syarat2 untuk memohon pinjaman SPT?
    saye tak dapat cari maklumat untuk SPT la.
    boleh tolong?

  30. Faizal,
    Saya cuma tahu Skim Pembiayaan Terbuka atau SPT ini adalah untuk pengajian dalam negara samada di IPTA atau IPTS yang diiktiraf. Kelulusan kemudahan SPT ini bergantung kepada status sosio ekonomi keluarga.
    Untuk maklumat yang lebih jelas saya syorkan anda menghubungi Unit Pengambilan Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA di talian 03-26915111 sambungan 1134/3623/3629.

  31. Hi all,
    I hope sume yg berkenaan dah dpt ek kad putih MARA tu…hihi.

  32. Salam,

    Bila agak2 keputusan SPC dapat diketahui ye?

    Kalau nak semak nk tanya kt mana? Online? Kaunter?

    Mintak tolong ye….

    Terima Kasih

  33. Rafiealam,
    Cuba hubungi Unit Pengambilan Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA di talian 03-26915111 sambungan 1134/3623/3629.

  34. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    Eh, poskad tu sume org da dapat ke??? why i didn’t receive it.. 🙁
    kenape saye xdpt lagi…

  35. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    ok, i’ve called MARA.. die cakap the postcards will be sent stage by stage.. fewh…

  36. Akmal Fauzee Aziz,
    Beberapa hari lagi akan sampaila poskad tu…

  37. Hafiz Adziz says:

    Salam semua,

    Saya pon dah apply SPC ni. Yg menakutkan, poskad tak sampai lagi la. Lagi satu mase saya hantar borang hari tu kan saya nampak banyak la calon2 yg dapat tapi tolak tawaran tu. kenape ek? ade sape2 tau tak kenape. Just curious

  38. Hafidz,

    “bnyk calon yg dpt tp tolak twrn tu” — i don’t understand. Anyway I think your white postcard will come, it’s only a matter of time. I my self sent the forms direct to the counter. It felt secured, wasn’t it. May I know are u applying for degree/master/phd? I hope they will call us up for the interview a.s.a.p. I’m anxious. Hehe.

  39. hello..

    nak tnye..scholar MARA ni just once in a year ke?
    if so, the next offer bile? jan 2010?

    one more..Msc in Pharmacy di taja x? thanks!

  40. Curious,
    Saya sendiri tak pasti, cuba hubungi pihak MARA untuk penjelasan.

  41. salam..saya nk tanye…mara dah pggil utk inteview spc ke?..

  42. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    baru je dpt postcard semalam. Alhamdulillah. Macamane nak tau die panggil interview? die call ke or antar surat? atau kene check kat MARA

  43. Esok kami akan ke MARA BPP untuk hantar remaining relevant documents. Esok saya tanya tarikh interview & cara dia panggil candidates…

  44. Miew Miew says:

    Hi, interview mara spc for shortlisted candidates will be held in march (this month) or early april…notification will be sent via mail. So, tunggu je la kat peti surat like a dog…hehe.

  45. Miew Miew,
    Terima kasih dengan maklumat tersebut.
    Jadi diharap mereka yang berkenaan sabar menunggu.

  46. saya nak tanya sama ada MARA beri pinjaman pada pelajar yang dapat tawaran di BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY ?

    Saya yang sekarang masih menuntut di Nilai kolej. Saya dah buat permohonan untuk belajar di BIRMINGHAM CITY UNIVERSITY. Surat tawaran dari university tersebut telah saya terima pada 6 mac lalu. Macam mana nak buat permohonan pinjaman MARA?

  47. Hidaya,
    Saya tidak pasti, mungkin ada rakan-rakan lain boleh membantu. Sementara cuba hubungi Unit Pengambilan Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA di talian 03-26915111 sambungan 1134/3623/3629 untuk maklumat lanjut.

  48. salam all,

    td pergi ke pejabat mara untuk hantar offer letter (sebelum ni conditional, after ielts dah lepas, dah jd unconditional, so re-submit) lepas tu dieorg allow me to masuk the office. Takut jugak sbb dah ada 3 bundle tulis reject/kiv. bila tgk byk yang phd. ada tak siapa2 yang kawan dia pernah dpt SPC ni? mcm mana eh usually the criteria of selection (yg dekat website tulis minimum requirement, tp yang dieorg select selalunya mcm mana?)

    Good luck to everyone!

  49. Sessy,

    Do we have to forward the full offer letter jugak? If takde, tak dapat shortlisted for the interview ke?

  50. Hi all,

    I dah dpt panggilan interview for SPC, 23 March, 2pm. So, nanti kite jumpe la di sana ek, pelajar2 cemerlang sekalian. Hihi.

  51. hey naddy…according to my friend who is now in spain doing his msc under spc, you don’t have to. i did that just in case you know 😉

    good luck for the interview miew miew!

  52. Tq Sessy… u guys dpt interview on what day?

  53. Thanks for the clarification Sessy =)

    Good luck with the interview Miew Miew

  54. Good luck kepada mereka yang akan menghadiri temuduga.

  55. camne nak nak tahu dpt interview ke tak?tgh menunggu gak ni.

  56. Miew Miew says:

    Hi Adnan,

    Mara hantar surat panggilan interview via pos laju. 11hb dia pos so sampai umah 12hb. Rasanya kawan i cakap Mara dah proses sume dah. U check la with Mara BPP.

  57. Last weekend g Matta fair so singgah MARA’s expo thinghy… the guy yang kat BPP (nama die Helmi kalau tak silap) kata if nak check if u are shortlisted boleh call BPP and tanya…

    interviews are held between 23 – 27 March

  58. susah betul nak call mara.kalo dpt susah betul nak dpt the right person to talk.inefficiency at best.maybe they dont entertain phone call.MARA remains MARA. People still clinging to it because of scholarships and grants.Lucky us.For those who got scholarships well done. Be grateful because there are thousands who yearn for this scholarship.Dont be ingrate bunch.All the best in interview everyone.I can now assume i didnt make the cut for i haven’t heard any news from them.Probably try my luck again next year.I rest my case.

  59. Ops.i got called up too. moral of the story dont give up hope to get through MARA telephone operator.I tried 10 times of calling until i managed to get through and talked to the right person. His answer was simple,”Yes you got interview on the 24th of April 8.30 am”.When asked about any letter, he said “We have sent it, you will receive it shortly”. This is not the first time i dont receive letter from MARA until the last minute. My SPC form was received on the last day of the dateline. Not without endless calls. Thanks to Pn Fadzillah who gave due consideration to me.I hope i will receive the letter very soon.

  60. Casablanca says:

    They say people who are shortlisted for interviews are automatically eligible for the scholarship because this yr lots of the forms received were rejected…i don’t know, maybe speculation.

  61. spekulasi rasenyer.all the best sume yer. sape2 yg dah dpt surat tu.cerita la sket.

  62. alhmdulillah..dapat surat intebiu gk..igtkan xdpt..syukur.. tp 26 mac 2009 8.30am… en adnan bln april ke?lambat lg..sape2 bole kasi tips2…help me pls..

  63. abdul halim says:

    Hi all,
    I am one of those applying for SPC. Alhamdulillah, i am shorlisted for interview but yet to receive the invitation card. I just called them this afternoon and my turn is may be the 1st batch which is on monday morning, 23rd March @ 9.00am. So, if anything interesting durin gthe interview, i will share with you guys. Anybody planning to go to Aussie?

  64. My session is on the 24th, 830 am… pagi sungguh but I’ve been to interviews that starts as early as 730 am so hopefully it would be ok…

    Abdul Halim, I’m going (hopefully) to Aussie!

  65. Casablanca says:

    Aussie? Wow! I’m going to India…kidding. Anyway, what do u guys include in the folder (salinan asal dokumen)? Do u guys make copies also?

  66. sape2 yg dpt surat tu ceritala sket ape kena bawak.i xdapt surat ni.xsabar betul.heheh.

  67. i dpt 24 mac 8.30 am.bukan 24 april silap kat atas tu iqmee.

  68. hi,
    nak tanye.. dekat surat interview tu, name and address kite tu are typed? or handwritten ye? Plus including the details of the interview.

    I find it quite weird that my name, add, details of the interview are handwritten.
    And it is so not convincing.

    can anyone clarify that (those who have receieved the letter)?

  69. Anybody knows what’s being covered under the scheme? Tuition fees, pocket money (how much?), anything else?

  70. hi. I just received a mail from MARA today where my interview will be held on 24 March. All the best to all.

  71. hye mz..

    mmg sy pon dpt surat cmtu jgk..
    kwn2 sy pon cmtu jgk..
    address, date and time handwritten je..
    mmg cmtu je sume org.. so, dun worry k..
    ni mmg surat btol! hehehe..

    ade kwn sy sorang tu, dkt surat dpt kol 2ptg..
    pastu, mara call plak soh tuka 8.30 pg..
    mcm2.. so, gudluck ye sume..

  72. and if anyone knows, how many people will be interviewed per session? (monday morn, monday eve,tues morn and eve.. and etc). Say average number of people.?

    Halim: from what i know from past spc students, tuition fees, pocket money (including ur rental) will be provided. But it depends on which area your uni is in. If it’s in London, u’ll get slightly more than those in scotland or newcastle because living expenses in london is very expensive. But the difference is not that huge. So that depends on where you’re studying.
    You can also visit (if you plan to study in UK) to check out the allowance that you’ll get. But i dont think the value is updated. But it can tell you roughly though.

  73. Tahniah pada semua yg dapat interview sepanjang march ni..
    Hopefully semuanya bertuah dpt SPC…bedebar gak nak tunggu 26 march nie, harap2la interview ni more to sesi bertemu-bual dari sesi bertikam lidah..hik3

    Gud Luck

  74. Casablanca says:

    In Bernama news early this year…it said MARA have allocated 200 places for SPC.

  75. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    Gud Luck for those who will be attending for the interview session. Mine will be on 23rd March 2.00pm.

  76. Ada tips soalan interview MARA yang boleh dikongsi?

  77. i got an interview with mara this 25 march. I apply for Ph.D study. I’m just curious, is this a loan or scholarship? What are the questions that are usually been asking? Any tips????

  78. hi guys,
    my interview is on the 25/3 at 2pm. I can feel butterflies in my stomach already..nervousnyaa. Anyway, are we suppose to wear formal suit for it?
    And from what i heard , the interview is based 2:1. So prepare to be interview by 2 people. Tips : know in detail why you are applying for that particular course and how you can serve the society when you get back. Any others, anyone?
    I’m applying for master at Uni Manchester.

    Good luck to all…

  79. hye amie..
    i’m applying for degree at uni of manchester and
    my interview will be tomorrow,
    23/3 at 2pm..

  80. Good luck aien and also to the rest yg akan kena temuduga earlier this week..
    Do tell us how it was like aite.. 😀

  81. i went to the interview yesterday morning.. raaaaaamai sgt org. even after finished the interview pun still got ppl queuing kat lobby. i just wonder, tu baru untuk hari isnin je. bayangkan berapa ramai org lagi till friday.. ada chance tak macam ni? hihi

    the interview was a short one and not too intense. takde plak tanya soklan macam siapa menteri ke pengarah ke. diorang tanya macam soklan2 fav like;
    1. Why u want to study?
    2. Why this course?
    3. How many credit hours?
    4. What do u want to do for thesis later?

    So, good luck to all =)

  82. hi guys,

    I just got back from the interview this morning. Lots and lots of people were there today and I got stressed up even before the interview starts. The interviewers were very nice people.. haha.. it has been quite some time since I last met those type of people. My interview session was simple and short. They just asked to explain about myself and similar questions as what ct yat mentioned. There’s one question that they asked me whether I can cope with the new language since I’m applying to a Swedish university. And don’t forget to smile. Good luck to all.

  83. Hi all,

    It was a simple interview… only abt 10-15 mins… simple questions so not to worry… but do know why you want to continue your studies and justify it well… tapi it puzzles me, macam mana diorg evaluate because 10-15mins for me is not enough to get to know a person kan?

    btw, anyone knows when results are out?

  84. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:

    panel from MARA said, you can check the results through online on 15/4/2009, a friend of mine told… 22 more days to go.. dub dab dub dab.. haha.. gud luck lads and lassies…

  85. west2coast says:

    wow! soooo many ppl were there!! i didn’t expect THAT many because earlier this year in the news, they were saying that they only have allocation for 200 ppl. one of the personnel there said they interview about 1200++ ppl! crazy!

    and from what i heard from the others, they only want 10 for master in engineering which is what i applied for!! hmmm…good luck everyone!!

  86. Casablanca says:

    Ya, I didn’t expect that much ppl either. & From what I’ve heard everyone’s gpa like 3.7+ Hmm… I don’t get my hopes up now. I just pray 4 the best & prep 4 the worst.

  87. me too.didnt expect much.competition is too stiff.kalo ade rezeki adela.

  88. 10 for master’s in engineering out of that many candidates?? i really need to prepare for the worst i guess:(

    akmal fauzee,
    we’re interviewed in the same slot, same room. i was the 1st and you’re the 3rd. ring a bell? hehe.. me also dub dab dub dab now…

    ct yat,
    u missed out one question (u know what i mean :P)…

  89. what question mr firdaush?

  90. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:


    haha, once u left, the next person being interviewed was me, not the third.. terkezut time tuh..

  91. "are you sure" firdaus? hahah..

    trivia for those who were interviewed for masters in engineering: did u guys realized that one of the panel keep on asking "are you sure?" question to you. So, for those who yet to be interviewed today and tomm, be ready and be confident to whatever you are saying to the panels yeah 🙂

    Wow west2coast!! Thank you for that statistical information. Just a rough estimation for masters in engineering. In a day, 15 ppl got interviewed. In 5 days, 75 ppl got interviewed altogether. And only 10 will get the chance. That is about 13% of chance for each of us to get the SPC loan! =)

  92. Is it true that only 10 ppl for master in engineering. Seems that my chance quite low as i pursuit my study in engineering management. Just tawakkal and doa bebanyak je lah.

  93. let’s pray for a miracle that everyone makes the cut..

    as mentioned by ct yat… hehe… gud luck to u..
    *no offense intended mr interviewer…

  94. mameng_farra says:

    bila kita boleh semak keputusan temuduga dah kuar keputusan

  95. hi guys..btl ke 4 master eng ada 10 post je?
    uiks..cuak nye
    result will b 0n 15th april, check through mara website

  96. Casablanca says:

    R u crazy? today still ade interview lg…n they have to select 1 or 2% (literally, lah) out of thousands that went to da interview…adoi. So very da unheppi n anxious now.

  97. west2coast says:

    hey effi,

    the interviewer said/asked this to my friend during the interview:

    “frankly speaking, we only have 10 places for master in engineering, why do you think you deserve this more than anyone else?”

    so i guess its true? unless the interviewer lie! hehe

  98. hi all,

    cuaknye bile dgr korang ckp pasal ni..kalo engineering diorang nk offer 10 places je kalo course lain camne?i inteviu ari tu ari selase 4 master in chemistry..ade sesape lg x yg plan utk study in chemistry nnt?

  99. hi west2coast

    if wut u said is true,emmmm..redha je la i
    u apply course ape?

  100. hi to all…just nk tny if ad sesiapa tahu…if we don't get spc, boleh buat rayuan ke?

  101. bdk lpsn spm 2008..ari 2 check dpt spc nk ambk kos x tau la university kt luar negra 2 yang mane bgus..sesape leh tlg…14.4 ni kn g interview..but i x tau g nak g mane..plz help me..

  102. cik temah says:

    Hi.. i went to the interview as well.. the previous 2 candidates b4 me were interviewed for almost 30-40min but my session only took about 10 min..wonder why sekejap sangat & they didn’t ask anything except bout myself (i mean what’s so intresting bout myself) :P..erm, if anyone tau result for SPC later, please inform..hope semua dapat, but tak mungkin.. btw, take care every1..:)

    To Maizatul said,
    May try to contact Nazza education located at 11th floor, pertama complex @ 03-26921123 (Kak Nita/Shida) or try contact MABECS Malaysia located at 2nd Floor, 9, Jalan Barat, Petaling Jaya, Selangor or can be contacted @ 03-7956 7655. All of them are good & nice people.. u may try to search for other educational agencies who will help and provide some advices..Wish u luck.. 🙂

  103. ada banyak universiti yang bagus yang offer medic. cuba masuk .. banyak maklumat ttg medic kat sini

  104. hai all…
    sy nk pegi intrview on 17april ni..
    sy lpasan spm 2008 n apply form engineering..
    i hope to cntinue my stdies n chemical engineering..
    so,,ada tips utk intview x??
    cuak la,,takut kecewa mcm intview mara yg lpas based on my trial result..
    time 2,,knselor bgtau km akn di’intview’ scara individu,,ttpi time intview 2,,group la plak..
    so,,hrp2 kali ni dpt yg indvdu.
    ada ssapa yg tau x smada intview spc kali ni invdu or group??

  105. Salwa,
    Cuba rujuk komen Bambang di Permohonan Tajaan Program Ijazah Luar Negara 2009 Lepasan SPM 2008 untuk pengalaman temuduga MARA.

  106. trima kasih nilam.
    byk yg sy dpt dr post bambang 2.

  107. Salwa,

  108. one more thing,,tips nk buat esei xda ka?
    dh pening mmikirkn ayat utk mula esei 2.
    xkn nk guna ayat skema ja..
    my name is bla bla bla
    i was born bla bla bla..
    mcm dh boring ja ayt2 cm2..

  109. you can get plenty of personal statements’ resources at check it out.

  110. Salwa,
    Sila rujuk laman web yang dicadangkan oleh ee04395 mungkin boleh membantu.

    Terima kasih kerana berkongsi beberapa maklumat di sini.

  111. i’m so neves 4 da intrvw…
    so,yg dpt intrvw tu..
    da prepare??get ready da??

  112. Salam Sejahtera semua,
    just curious, korang semua memang dh tamat blaja ke utk apply SPC ni?
    because last time i went to MARA HQ, they asked for all my transcripts. but i still got one semester to go. T_T so they said i’m not qualified or wuteva.

    so i’m really(10x) curious…siapa je yang boleh apply?melainkan kalau korang dh tunggu setahun lame nye utk apply lepas tamat Dip or it?because for me, i will grad my diploma on the becoming June (approximately), so I can ONLY apply for SPC next year?? T_T

    somebody… I need advices.

  113. will the results be out today? I have a feeling they are not done with our results yet.
    Has anyone checked with mara?

  114. amr_damaq says:

    yep there still didn’t post it yet, but try check later maybe this afternoon the result will be out…

  115. Casablanca says:


    Y don’t u call MARA & ask them…hehe. So anxious nieh.

  116. i try call mara earlier but no answer… nervous…yest they said penganjuran mara will not be available for 1 week…so i think our result will be delay kot….

  117. last week, i called mara asking for da result.. they said dat the result will be announced dis week..but i’m not so sure what day …

  118. I just called MARA this morning to speak to Bahagian Pinjaman Pelajaran MARA. The Operator said that, please call again this Monday, bcoz all staff of the unit having a programme for 2008 SPM Students. Do anyone know anything about the SPC results. I have been checking the website since yesterday and waiting anxiously.

  119. has anyone called MARA regarding the results status?

  120. salam..
    result spc mara dah keluar belum? saya check website tp tak ada pun.. patut ke saya cal mara?
    -cam tak leh wat keje lak hari ni.. nervous seh…

  121. called dy. They said..NEXT WEEK. end of next week.

  122. Chicas Sasuke says:

    I dh call td. Tp dorg ckp Bahagian Penganjuran Pelajaran MARA skg tgh cuti seminggu sbb bhgian tu tgh interview dak2 SPC MARA yang SPM pya. Cmne eh? I tgok kt web dia pn xkuar lg. Bdbar thap ni…

  123. next week?hmmm…

  124. Hai,
    I’m just curious..y’all semua memang dah TAMAT belajar dh ke? because last time I went to MARA HQ, they said i can ONLY apply after I got all the 6 semester’s result. I’m in my final semester of Diploma programme. So, of coz I takde result untuk semester ni.FInal pun belum lagi T_T

    so, i’m really(10x) curious, sape je yang boleh apply kalau mcm tu, melainkan y’all kene tunggu setahun lama nye utk apply SPC ni? is it? sbb result diploma keluar pun on every June but the dateline is on January. and I was suprised to see all of you get the chances to apply for MARA SPC. A big congratulations from me.

    somebody.. I need advices and explanations. Do you guys really have waited for ONE year to apply for MARA SPC??

  125. 24 APRIL 2009 (THURSDAY)


  127. hmm… its rather strange that the results are delayed for an extra 1 week. Compared to last year application (SPC 2008), the results were published on time. Probably there were too many candidates for this year.

  128. too many best student ths year that qualified to get the scheme,unfortunately the quota is limited. so kena wut saringan again n again..tawakal je la eek

  129. Casablanca says:

    Padan muke kite sume… tunggu punye tunggu bagai nak rak… tangguh pulak 1 week+… malas la nak layan lagi… adoi!

  130. erhamna,

    yes. Last year i did the same too. I even sat my ielts in early march last year and did my ielts booking in January 08, before SPC’s adv even came out. I applied the uni in Januray last year, and i was actually in my final sem. Unfortunately, they wanted to see our final sem’s transcript in order for you to further to the next level. And told us you have to wait for next year. So, like it or not, we defered our registration to this year’s intake. For the rest who have decided to take spc recently, it wasnt a long wait for them. But for me, yes.. it has been a year of waiting for this spc.More than a year. Ielts, offer letter and everything else were done by end of april last year. It was so complete that me and my friend were not require to submit anything else after the closing dates. Maybe you can do the same too. But, don take ur ielts now.. because it has 2 years of validity only. Just in case. But, experience in working wise is good too while waiting. Hehe.

    So by December , get ready for the SPC adv. =D

  131. Casablanca says:

    mz & erhamna,

    Casablanca entered dip for dec 2005 intake & end dec 2008… so, for people like me, it’s high time to apply the spc coz by the time the transcript is out, so is the spc ad. I had settled for the offers, ielts, penangguhan, etc required by the time of interview.

    Mz, people like us are WAY deserving the SPC coz we have done everything MARA wants. I hope fate is on our side. Why do I say this? Coz some (or many?) of the interviewed people are incomplete like no IELTS, & stuff. Don’t get me wrong, guys, just the ANXIETY getting me cranky…hehe! Peace.

  132. haha. Omg! so lucky for you casablanca.. No need to wait. Perfect timing! Hehe. Yeah i hope what you say is true also..(cant help it..). Aih.. too many people this year compared to previous years.. -Sigh-

  133. Mz,
    oh my..I am exactly like eveything is completed for me. Only for the final semester’s result and where am i going to get the scholarship? *sigh*, I took IELTS already which I was not well prepared for it and only got band 6.5 T_T. but i guess nvmind since it was cukup-cukup-makan..huhu. I dont planning to sit for it one more time..sooo EXPENSIVE!! T_T

    hey..after I have all the results, I mean on becoming June, cant I just call them and apply for the scholarship?? do you think it is useless if I do that?

    OMG.. I am soooo envy of you guys.. I cant wait for that long T_T

  134. Casablanca says:

    Ya…all of us have to wait no matter how long. However the wait is worth when you key in ur IC & it said “Tahniah…”. If “Maaf…”

  135. guys, what happen if can’t secure SPC this time? Any thought of Plan B?

    I got to know that there’s another study loan scheme from MARA using the same yellow application form as SPC, but without the SPC logo stamped on it. Anyone knows about this?

  136. ct yat ,

    It’s under SPT scheme. but it depends on availability of the balance from spc. That’s what one of the guys from MARA said.

  137. hei..I heard from my friend that MARA is re-opening their offer for it true??

  138. Casablanca says:

    Tak payah percaya rumors or harapan-harapan palsu or cerita-cerita bohong dari sesape erhanna… these things make it worse especially from your own friends.

  139. Chicas Sasuke says:

    Btul casablanca. Bukn xnk bharap. Klu betul buktikan. Bru la nmanya bhrap pd kenyataan. Xlarat sbnrnya nk tggu. Dh letih bdebar.

  140. Casablanca says:

    Hi allz…bertemu kembali… Yes!!!!!! Result spc tangguh lagi!!!!! Kali ni Casa maleh nak ambik pot… biar result kua tetibe jerr mcm surprise.

  141. takotnyee…….esok result spc kuar..

  142. takot sgt menunggu result 2morr0w..gud luck eveyone!!!

  143. Eh aku tgk laman web dia ckp tangguh lagi… Sape2 tau bila sebenarnya tarikh result keluar? Aku ni tunggu mcm separuh nyawa nih…. ='(

  144. west2coast says:

    probably because of the pertukaran menteri. now that mara tak ada menteri, so nobody can endorse the result. i hope the allocation for SPC is still there though. takut laa pulak kan…mana tau…

  145. Mara should have never done this. first it was 15th, then 24th… and now to another unknown date? They cannot treat us like this.. Up to a certain extend like this, i totally give up. sigh..

  146. hopefully penantian kite berbaloi..

  147. i’m tired of waiting for the results..How am i supposed to pick what i want to do with my life?right now i have to decide whether to register for my master programme in may at um or not…mara should not treat us like this..*SOO angry*

  148. Casblanca says:

    Casa setuju dgn Mint. Most of us yg bijak ada plan B. @ least yg kita mintak is plz bg decision cepat either dpt or x dpt so we can move on with our other plans…

  149. grammmm….

  150. Ada sape2 cal tanya mara tak bila sepatutnya tarikh keramat tu? Aku pun tersepit antara dua jalan ni.. Kena tau sebelum mei jgk… Hadoi la…..

  151. kamu tak tepon ker MARA tanya, Penunggu Said…

  152. tq casa 4 agreeing.. ^.^.i’ve contacted mara but only manage to get the same answer..”please check the website from time to time”..what can i say more?i know mara is struggling with new ministry, management n so on but do they consider our condition?mara, please hear our voice here!!!i think i can only wait for this till the end of april.. n i need to move on coz i have no choice…

  153. Baru kini kutahu… Penantian itu satu penyeksaan.. Inilah nasibku seorang penunggu….. Huuuuuuu………

  154. jun hafiz says:

    Called MARA. Mereka kata keputusan akan dikeluarkan dipertengahan bulan Mei.

  155. Casablanca says:

    Ptghn bulan mei? Tu bukan PILN yg SPM tu kerr… anyway, knp MARA x kuakan result bulan Nov ke… Dis ke… time orang dah sibuk ke tempat lain yerr (ala ala merajuk gitu)

  156. guys, i cannot help it but i have a bad feeling la.. takot nanti dok tangguh2 ni, in the end they decide tanak bagi this loan at all.. ingat tak recession 10 years ago masa mara and jpa stop to give any scholarships that time? and semua yang buat preparation course terpaksa diserapkan into local unis? *touch wood*

  157. aiiyaaaaaa…manyak sedey lorr..
    mao tunggu lg brp lama…
    xpe2 saba2…saba ekk smua..

  158. ct yat.. jgn pk bkn2.. 10 years ago, btol2 in different situation.. kali ni lain..
    maybe, mara hold the result, sbb mara blom ade menteri n blom tahu lg diserap bwh kementerian mane.. malam td kan baru je annouce mara under kementerian mane tah sy x prasan.. tapi, kesimpulannye mara dah ade menteri laa nk buat decision pasal ni.. kite tgu je laa… yelaa.. cube pk.. dorang nk bg duit kn.. bkn sng nk buat keputusan yg melibat kan millions ni.. just think positive guyz.. 🙂

  159. another thing, sy x rase dorang tangguh2 ni sbb in the end x nk bg pon spc ni.. xkn laa dorang sebodoh tu.. dh confident annouced kat paper yg dorang akan anta jgk bdk bwh spc ni n dh penat2 interview org smpai seribu lebe, xkn laa tibe2 x jadi.. lagi pon, ade advantage ape bile dh bwh kementerian baru ni.. sure dorang nk bg yg terbaik punye.. and again.. think positive guyz!! 🙂

  160. aien, bukan i nak think negative sgt pun. but my msg is just that: anything cud happen masa recession ni. i lagi laaaaa berharap sgt sgt sgt nak sambung study ni coz anytime i cud be losing my job tau.. just be prepared for anything kay..

    *sipping tea in omnia paratus*

  161. west2coast says:

    betul tu ct_yat. bukan nak think negative, but u just can’t help but wonder. especially when they have already posted the announcement for lepasan spm punya result temuduga is going to be out in 3rd week of may but ours is still hanging. if they are sure, why haven’t they post any announcement yet. called them up last week and they said to check the website from time to time. so stressful! anyone with any latest updates?

  162. Dear all,

    I am also one of the shortlisted applicants for the SPC interview.

    Frankly, I had already anticipated such delay(s), change of date(s) and the predicament that we are facing. I think, we should be patient; albeit the transition of MARA to its previous Ministry. I think [this is just my assumption though], MARA is in the midst of finalising the names of the awardees. And at the same time, putting a painstaking endorsement on the numbers of truly qualified students that will be entitled for this scheme.

    I like the idea of; awaiting to opt for plan B within the crossroads scenario by some. Nevertheless, I think, it’s also wiseful for us, perhaps, to ensure the plan B will also be backed up by potential follow ups and strategies. I have with me, three (3) plan Bs, if in the event, I may not be considered for this scheme. Talking about the recession and to “freeze” the fund; I think, sometimes, we have had the past experience that taught us so well about it. But, to apply that to the present situation, I debunk such possible occurence because there have been many progressive developments in relation to persuading retrenched employees and graduates to pursue their studies through various schemes. So much so, to freezing the SPC, in my opinion, is contrary to the second (2nd) stimulus package, that encourages the latter’s initiatives. Perhaps, or ideally, trimming the numbers of qualified awardees maybe a relevant factor for [such a possibility].

    Based on my various communications with the previous SPC awardees, traditionally and usually, SPC results would be announced by end of May. I think, it’s a promising move when I had personally discovered that the results would be announced earlier, until there was a notice of postponement on the same. Alas, sometimes, we are too eager to have anticipated the early results and keeping us waiting anxiously. That, in my opinion, is human nature. Perhaps, we should also position ourselves to being in MARA shoes as well, and with due respect, we would or should endeavour to appreciate what goes wrong, what makes the delay and what leads to the postponement.

    To all potential SPC winners, I believe, the time will come for that. Insya’Allah, there will be some share of pie for all of us here.Or if otherwise, we could reattempt for the next year’s scheme.

    Good luck everyone!

    Noriswadi Ismail

  163. My friend from GMI already know his result. But you need an ‘inside man’ to know early result right? If you call MARA then they will ask you to check from website from time to time…typical malaysian procedure..nway, goodluck for you guys..kalau ade rezeki tu, xde ke mane kn? 😉

  164. Casablanca says:

    Casa totally agree with ct & w2c. Very fishy MARA ni… Nak ckp ade maybe xde… Nak ckp xde maybe ade… I advise with u guys, chart another course of your future (i.e., Plan B)… Anggap if result kuar & u get it; A Bonus. Jgn bergantung pd harapan palsu or ‘anggapan-anggapanmu’. Casa bukan being negative, but PRACTICAL.

    -Luv ya-

  165. -ve thought – aku asa mara nk reduce skit lg kot quota…. hopefully x la kot…

    +ve thought – mara nk tmbh lg kuota biar ramai2 anak mlayu g oversea… aminnn…

    tp sbnrnye aku assume je mara mmg tgh bz…. nak wat cmne….
    kita nak kutuk mara pon wat ape.. die gak yg nk bg duit nnti kan…
    sory la… aku org kuat mara… hahahahhahahahahhaha…..

  166. agree wif pack..he3..
    doa byk2,if ade rezeki..amin
    if xde, sure ade hikmah dsebaliknya.
    dun pressure urself guys..he3..

  167. sooooo agree with Noriswadi.. 🙂 🙂

  168. allured_mystery says:

    My fren ade minta pinjaman MARA di bawah Skim Pembiayaan Terbuka and tak dapat. Dalam surat MARA tu, diaorang tulis "Oleh yang demikian memandangkan MARA memperolehi peruntukan yang amat terhad pada tahun ini maka program tajaan di bawah Skim Pembiayaan Terbuka bagi tahun 2009 untuk pelajar Bumiputera yang mengikuti pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Pertama, Sarjana dan PhD di luar negara tidak dapat dilaksanakan mengikut perancangan"

    So, MARA memang takde banyak peruntukan tahun ni. Hehe…tapi tak tahu la kalo SPC ni sama dengan SPT ni

  169. Akmal Fauzee Aziz says:


    For your info, SPT tu sebenarnye wujud bile those yang dapat SPC, reject that offer owing to unfortunate conjunction of circumstances eg. mengandung ke, bersalin ke, dan ape2 yg membuatkan diorang xboleh nak accept offer spc tu. So, extra budget yang x digunakan dari SPC, barulah MARA pass tu SPT.. Difference between SPC and SPT is:
    1. SPC : convertible loan
    2. SPT : kene bayar balik 100%.

    So main priority is for SPC.

    Sometimes the truth is bitter, embrace it wilingly.. The only thing that we can do is pray to GOD.. InsyaAllah, miracle will happen and ade peruntukan yang cukup untuk SPC…

  170. assalamualaikum Nilam…saya amek spm thn 2008(3a 5b 2c) dn mymbung pljran di kolej legenda di n9..saye msuk blan 3 dn amek 1thun foundation dn 3 thun degree course architecture design dn telah membuat pnjaman mara..saya sudh ambil ielts test dn dpt 5.5 shj..mknenye sye x lyklah sbb xdpt 5.5 keatas…yuran sume ialah 89 ribu dn ayah saye sudh pinjam bank 34 ribu dn byr kpd kolej…mcm mane nie saye x lyk pnjaman mara……

  171. allured_mystery says:

    Oh…ye ke? I thought orang yang nak amik SPT ni selalu tengah blajar kat university tersebut & bayar sendiri. Kire privately fund & macam dah 2nd year or so dalam that course and diaorang gune their results untuk dapatkan pinjaman.

    Well, what i was trying to say here is this “memandangkan MARA memperolehi peruntukan yang amat terhad pada tahun ini”. So, it’s possible gak kalo memang MARA takde peruntukan this year. Ye la…economy pun tak brape bagus sangat kan sekarang. But for now…we can only pray for the best =)

  172. Fauzi,
    Salam… mungkin anda boleh berbincang dengan pihak MARA dan kolej berkenaan untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian. Setiap masalah pasti ada cara untuk mengatasinya.

  173. kalau saya baru nak dapat diploma kat uitm tahun nie, boley dpt pinjaman mara ke??

  174. Erm, I know it’s kinda late, but I just want to share the info
    For Master in engineering, there are like 180 candidates, xtau yg attend interview maybe less kan. And only 30 places are allocated. Roughly 1 in 6 ppl. Ni I baca from the list name time pergi interview tu, a paper I wasn’t supposed to read tapi da terbukak atas meja tu :p

    And result x keluar on the 15th+24th of April sebab the result tu sendiri belum sampai kat orang MARA. So I wonder la siapa sebenarnye evaluate and putuskan siapa yg berjaya.

    Hrum, just pray for the best la kita semua ye.

  175. muhdshah says:

    now, it’s turned to spine chilling situation, im mara applicant 4 piln, based on spm 08,
    just wonder when will be th result be announced as th due date to affirm with th approve to enroll foundation prog(mine is pasum, sci hayat) is jst around th corner..4 th ake of my future scheme of studies, i’ve really put an intense to ponder due this..hopefully th reslt will be release sooner(than 10th may)..
    by then i’ve to decide to go 4 pasum/mara(as if qualified) by doin istikharah..

  176. Result will come out on this 15th Mei.. All the best ya…

  177. TA..which result?SPC or PILN?he3..
    mara officer bgtau it’ll b mid may..xplak ckp on 15th..emmm

  178. erm, masa I call Mara, they said by 11th or 12th pulak…so which one?
    Haha, whichever it is, memang akan keluar pon kan.. 🙂

  179. SPC…hope the rumour is friend went to MARA and they told him that this 15th Mei result will be available..menghitung hari la.. 😛

  180. Again to menghitung hari..hehehe

  181. Dont worry guys MARA is always like this, due to budget constraint and current economic situation plus new ministry, I guess MARA try to restructure sponsorship.

    What I heard, for SPT scheme is suspended or shrink the quota. MARA affiliate colleges and it own colleges such GMI, UniKL, had been notified the situation.

    Ok, forget a bout the first 2 words I type above, I’m oso worried and nervous etc etc… bad feeling. Hopefully the previous decade ago issues during recession will no occur again.

    Just hope for the best ….good luck to us

  182. We have learned time and again that our hope is shared

  183. hi guys..anyone got the final confirmation announcement date of the list who’ll be getting the scholar? i’m soooo’s been toooo long aredy

  184. hari tu pegi mara, dia kate hari rabu ni kuar result..
    harap2 laa kn..

  185. hmmm …..rabu pulak, lepas tu jumaat, lepas tu may minggu ke-4….bukannya tak sabar..tunggu result…intake July … dah tentu nak kena sampai disana.. at least dua/seminggu awal, survey tempat …. pulak tu musim winter….mcm – mcm benda nak kena buat…within 1 and half months..medical checkup, visa , renew passport …..don’t know laaa..sempat ke tidak…mcm mana pulak bagi calon yg bekerja dan nak berhenti kerja and of course nak kena bg notis at least sebulan…..

  186. Kita semua memang nak result tu cepat, but tahun2 lepas memang hujung bulan May baru keluar. Silap Mara bukan sebab dia announce result tu lambat, tapi sebab dia janji awal dari yg sepatutnya. Jadi kita ni sabar je lah 🙂 Kalau dah memang rezeki, x kemana.

  187. pas tu kalau tak silap kena pegi BTN course kan …seminggu…

  188. nur,you pegi mana?aussie ke?uni mane?hurm.saya kalo tak dpt SPC dah ada inisiatif lain but still further my master kat Aussie this tengah sibuk cari roommate!;p

  189. I’m so nervoussssss. I’m really hope i can do my Phd at australia or USA. Sy x bt ape2 preparation pun lg. x pe ke if sy x amk ape2 English test, toefl, n x apply kat mane2 U lg. Tp sy mmg dh ade pilihan U n dh start msg ngn supervsr kt sana. Problem nye, suprvsr tu srh sy settle kan dl psl schlorshp n then br blh bincng lg. huhkkkk…U guys, have any idea if i cannot get this loan?

  190. penunggu says:

    result another 2 weeks..

  191. have u tried to get education loan from bank?

  192. iffah,
    Saya pun tak buat dan tak pernah buat toefl or ielts.. Alhamdulilah saya dah dpt tempat kat University of Sydney.. Dan saya tak perlu pun amik apa2 exam.. Cuma buktikan yg saya belajar dlm BI masa universiti dulu.. Kena mintak kat previous U kita surat pengesahan ‘English as medium of instruction and assessment’.. Sy belajar local public U yg guna english 100%.. Tapi masalahnya sekarang tunggu MARA je.. Ada rezki, mmg alhamdulilah….

    Betul ke result lg 2 minggu? Mcmmana awk tau? Aduh sakit kepalaku….

  193. penunggu says:

    dr sumber yg bole dipercayai..tktau r..

  194. hey nhms..further master in aussie this july! same here.. which part of aussie?

  195. adelaide,uni of south australia.if ade ke kwn2 pompuan yg nak further sane jugak this july bgtau ye cos i need a roommate utk save cost.;p dah dapat rumah cos ada kawan2 kat sana,but still nak cari roommate.

  196. muhd shah says:

    owh, so 15th may might be th sacred day then(4 spc(piln) only),
    whoa, my head gonna throb badly now..
    harap2 dpt, insyaAllah,
    doakn kjayaan besame..

  197. well, am going to WA actually..anyone who’ll be studying in Perth???

  198. bella, i already got offer from RMIT, NEWCASTLE n UWA. but my 1st preference is UWA because i have sister who stay there..hehe..can i ger ur contact ? anyone who want to study at Perth?

  199. nhms & Miss A,
    nak tumpang tanya,apa inisiatif lain yg u apply besides mara?
    n regarding the bank loan, which bank?
    coz i ada tanya several banks n they said xde bg any loans..

  200. Erm, belum apply pon lagi but I know Bank Pertanian ada. Random riteee? Bank Pertanian ada bagi education loan, boleh pilih 100k, 150k kot. Rasenye u can check it thru their website.

    Other than scholarships + applying bank loan (which yg buat sakit kepala kene bayar di kemudian hari), erm dah xtau dah ape lagi. Anyone?

  201. pasal pinjaman bank, boleh tanya RHB atau Bank Rakyat. tapi diorang nak pemohon depositkan harta (tanah, rumah, dll) yang hampir sama dgn nilai pinjaman kalau2 gagal nak byr balik pinjaman nnt. risiko tinggi..

  202. bosannye tunggu result kuar. Ssh nk bt plan lain…Hope i can go tu adelaide of north carolina state univ. Apesl ramai sgt yg dh apply U ye? Sy x apply mane2 pun lg. So, result kuar 15 ni or end of Mei? Harap pihak MARA dpt kuarkan maklumat terkini psl spc ni kan….

  203. i had call MARA yesterday …ask about SPC … they said they had shorlisted the candidates…and the result will be out by end of this month @ MARA portal….hopefully earlier laaa… rasa cam dah x sabar menanti…terseksa jiwa i

    I really hope that MARA can speed the selection process in the future ……

    …long live MARA…long live MARA….

  204. From an insider, they already have the shortlisted names but since the fund has not been approved, they won’t release the names.

  205. emm..end eek?
    how about if already get the accomodation n need to pay the depo before the result out?huhuhu..
    sgt sedihkn..emmm..

  206. Casablanca says:

    Mcm2 tarikh yg u guys kuarkan ek, 11, 12, 13 May sume ade, tapi??? Keluar ker? Casa paham kite sume pressure, oleh itu banyakkan bersabar & berdoa ek… Redha akan ketentuan & ingatlah ada hikmah di sebaliknya…

  207. west2coast says:

    Yup, what Miss A said is true. Talked to few of MARA ppl today and they said they already have the names (supposed to be released on 24/4) but the fund have yet to be approved by the new ministry :-(. We can only wait…

  208. guys, result has come u can check it now..but i didn’t make sad…huhu..gudluck to u guys…

  209. yup. it’s out. Hehe. Good luck.!
    i got mine. =D

  210. Casablanca says:

    Alhamdulillah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Casa & my friend dapat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  211. Salam to all!

    Alhamdulillah. I have secured SPC’s conditional offer. By the way, I will be pursuing PhD in Information Technology Laws (RFID Technology, Data Protecction and Privacy) at Queen Mary, University of London.Anyone who will be heading to London, do e-mail me at:

    See you guys in BTN!

    For those who did not get this round, do reattempt for next year, Insya’Allah, you will get it.

    Noriswadi Ismail

  212. anyone going to Newcastle??? Nak kawannnn

  213. wah bestnyer.CASA pegi mane? buat ape?and how old are you?. Wadi keje ape?bestnye Phd tp sgtla mencabar.ALL the best sape yg dpt. I xdpt huhu.

  214. alaaaa…nape bila kita check die kuar tulisan merah “maaf anda tidak berjaya”….ke kena tunggu die update name semua? nama, ic, program smeua tk kuar pun…

  215. Casablanca says:

    Well… see you guys @ BTN ek… hehe! Let’s shop for autumn cardigans…

  216. akmal fauzee aziz says:

    Alhamdulillah.. I got it too..!!! 😀
    selame beberape bulan ternanti2 akhirnye dapat tahu jugak.. congratz those who acquired spc.. those who did not, jgn give up… try utk next year k? sbb i mmg da tunggu spc ni exactly one year.. last year x layak nk amek form sbb result x kuar lagi.. Gud luck k..

  217. hye all..congrats to those who got SPC..i didnt get sad..
    by the way is there a chance to appeal the result?

  218. I didn’t get scholarship too. Congratulations for those who got it.

  219. casa, you dah keje or still status as a student? i dpt rase mara give chances to sape2 yg xkeje lg..ee04395, how about you?

  220. muhd shah says:

    salam n heyh, congratz to those succeeded to secure mara’s sponsorship..
    well, i’ve nothng to say act,
    jst hoping 4 my result, tomorrow..
    huh~bees buzzing in my tummy, n stinging som more..
    all th best..mara’s Applicants

  221. Casablanca says:

    cz, ok, Casa belum keje… i lepasan diploma last dec… tp mase interview Casa & my friend yg dpt tu dah complete IELTS + other MARA conditions… I think that’s our strong points.

  222. :((…result second interview tk kuar lg :((..takutnya

  223. Im working too. Akmal Fauzee is also working. I Dont think it’s because whether u r working or not. i agree with casa, maybe it’s because the required documents were completed when we went for the interview. Or maybe it depends whether we managed to convince the interviewers or not during the interview. Or maybe because of the course that we want to do. If there are many people applying for the same course, then the competition will be much higher too right?
    There are many other possibilities that may contribute also i think. Heeehe.

  224. hi cz. i dah resign dari keje tahun lepas sbb nk smbg master. Dapat 5 tawaran universiti. Siap dah tayang surat tawaran & IELTS masa interview. Mungkin kuota utk tahun ni sikit kot. Lagipun, CGPA i cukup2 makan jer. Sambung master kat UKM lah nampaknya..

  225. Dear Anon, I am working at HeiTech Padu Berhad:

  226. Boleh sesiapa terangkan apa maksud MARA, surat tawaran bersyarat. Semua yang berjaya akan dapat surat tawaran bersyarat atau hanya sesetengah yang mesti meet some conditions atas sebab-sebab tertentu? Sesiapa tahu bilakah tarikh BTN. Saya Insya Allah akan ke UNSW, Australia bulan 7 ni. Ada yang nak ke sana?

  227. For those who pursuing phd, is mara support family expenses or is there any allowance for family.

  228. 🙂 i got it too.. 🙂
    alhamdulillah sgt3..

  229. Casablanca says:

    Amboi kertu nyer u… Hehe.

    U ni pikir lebih2 lah… Rileks man. Tunggu la surat sampai.

  230. Casablanca I have to. Sebab I sedang bekerja and kena tender. Harapnya surat tu sampai cepat. Sepatutnya I have to serve a three-month notice. Ni nampaknya memang tak cukup 3 bulan. Setiap hari yang tak cukup itu akan dikira sehari gaji yang perlu di bayar. Tapi takpelah kadang kadang we have to sacrifice to get something better in return, Insya Allah.

  231. Casa, I feel you. Haha. Sebab I pon tgh kerja and bersusah payah siapkan projek and kalau I stop tiba2, siapa pulak nk buat keje ni. Kesian kt bos. I think semua dapat conditional offer, and rasanya one of the conditions is you have to get the placement (and start the studies) within 1 year, kalau x offer tu terbatal sendiri. Benda2 kecik je, x payah fikir byk2 ok? 🙂 Mari siapkan resignation letter!! *lol*

  232. eh sori, post atas untuk Anira. Salah nama pulak. Haha

  233. anyone get spc for master?

  234. anyone get for master level?

  235. Me! U dah dpt placement ke? Kat mane?

  236. Miss A, master in wut?

  237. Engineering, so I’m taking Automation & Control MSc in Newcastle. U?

  238. huhu maybe i xdpt pasal baru balik UK august last year kot.ade yang senasib? xpe esok masih ada.Congrats sume.belajar pastu balik berbakti utk negara ye.Jgn asyik shopping je ye bile jd budak oversea nih.Mentang2 scholarship banyak skang.

  239. Im doing my masters at University of Aberdeen in Subsea Engineering.

  240. anyone knows how many candidates dapat SPC ni for degree and master program

  241. to miss A and mz, nk tanya la..r u MARA staff ?tq

  242. Haha. Bukan la. definitely not. Tak guna orang dalam also. Hehe. I wish i could be one of them. If not, i wouldnt have to wait for more than a year since Last year January 08. I dont know about the number of people. they may stick to 200 people, but there is another speculation saying that they dont have enough money, so they had to do the shortlisting again due to limited budget. So, this is when they do a thorough check including the results in the previous study… plus everything else as i have mentioned earlier. This is what one of the Mara people said. But then again, everyone claims he/she gets some info from Mara people. And all the infromations are diff from one and another. hehe

  243. Is there anyone goin to Leeds?

  244. Miss A, i already got place but xde congrats 2 u.

  245. Same with me, I’m definitely not working with MARA 🙂

  246. ok..sama la..saya pun dah ada place, tp still x dapat jugak…x de rezeki…congratz to both of u 🙂

  247. Casablanca says:

    Kawan I ckp only 90 ppl je dpt tahun ni (Deg, Msc, Phd). X tau la betul ke tak… tp dlm ppr early this yr mmg ckp MARA jatuh miskin tahun ni. Kesian MARA. Btw, kpd yg x dpt Casa harap u allz jgn putus asa & ingatlah, ade hikmah di sebaliknya…

  248. And yg dah dapat ni pon kene berhati2 jugak..because dulu2 pon 1997 1998 orng da siap2 nk fly, seminggu before fly kene cancel semua. Takot kan jadi mcm tu.

  249. Miss A, mcm mana kalau dah berhenti kerja tiba2 tak jadi fly….boleh sakit jantung dibuatnya.

  250. I have been following this thread for the last couple of months since I was first called up for the interview. I have a place for me at Delft University of Technology (masters in aerospace), and have been accepted there since last year. It is one of the best technical universities in Europe, and for my ToEFL, i got a score of 116/120. I have been active in debates internationally and locally. I thought that my chances for getting the SPC were pretty good.

    Apparently I must have missed something, because my application was listed as “TIDAK BERJAYA”. Eff this. Congratulations to those of you who have been selected, however.

    In retrospect I have to question MARA’s selection criteria. If a student has already been accepted to a good university overseas, why should that student’s CGPA be an issue with MARA? Is MARA deciding whether that student deserves to enter that university (especially if the students already have places)? Is their opinion stronger than the university’s Admissions Board? If a student is already qualified and accepted (and have done their English tests), shouldn’t MARA prioritize other criteria?

    For students who have already been accepted at a university, MARA should not have to consider that student’s CGPA (Why? Because obviously the university thinks the student is good enough already).

    MARA should then ONLY look at extracurricular achievements AND the viability of sponsoring that student in a particular country.

    And if the US dollar and the Euro are both cheaper than the Pound Sterling, shouldn’t these currencies be the priority (ESPECIALLY in today’s economy?) Delft is a Dutch university (Euro); when I applied for the SPC I assumed that this would be a plus for me, since most students applied to the UK or Australia.

    Anyway it’s too late now to change anything, and I need to consider my other options. I just feel that it’s necessary to express this opinion, and I hope you guys read this comment objectively.

    If you want to respond to me personally, email me at ezaneegires (at) gmail (dot) com.

  251. Casablanca says:

    Eh Miss A… 1997/1998 recession tu berlaku tiba2… tiba2 jer currency jatuh therefore fees to overc jd berkali2 ganda… Rite now, recession dari last yr lagik… Therefore kalo MARA xde peruntukan, mmg xde iklan SPC januari aritu lagik…

  252. Not a negative thinker here, I’m just saying that anything can happen….

  253. ebg,

    “MARA should then ONLY look at extracurricular achievements AND the viability of sponsoring that student in a particular country”
    —> I think you missed 1 point here, and it’s the way the candidate presented him/herself during the interview. The interviewers won’t look at candidates’ CGPAs anymore because selection through CGPA is already done in staging process. All candidates are equal once they are selected to the interview.

    From my personal experience (I’ve been under SPC in my local undergrad studies, been through the same interview but with 3 stages; one-to-one, case studies and group discussion), what matter the most is how you portray your character, and through this you can project your positive attributes. You cannot be too loud, neither too quiet. For example, in the group discussion session, both candidates (too loud and too quiet) didn’t make it. You can be chirpy, but you can’t be clumsy. And, we, as human, surely hate it when someone boasts directly in our face. Therefore human factor plays a great role in the interview. After all we know that dealing with human is a lot harder than dealing with machines. And human judgement is never fair. So I guess it brings all down to luck (after you’ve done your best in the interview).

    Try to look at things positively. Apa yg Tuhan dah tentukan, surely that’s the best for us, you might just not know it today 🙂

  254. Just want to highlight this. Those who did not make it as indicated on the website, maybe all of you did the right way by entering your IC numbers without this sign (-). But who knows, one might miss out this because we are so used to put the sign to separate the numbers as per our IC. So for those who did that, can try again.

  255. Miss A , i rasa u ni ade kena mengena dengan MARA…betul tak ?
    …tipu berdosa ..sbb u tipu bukan i sorang je tau…semua yg baca forum ni…hehehehe

    I have also been following this thread for the last couple of months…i found that
    the way u give the comment …sgt obvious…..

  256. Ya…..begitu sekali tuduhan dilemparkan…

    1st, tidak tidak tidak, saya bukan orang Mara, saya x kenal orang Mara langsung!! Sorang pon saya x kenal. Sanak saudara tiada yg bekerja dengan Mara. Malah saya envy sebab masa saya pergi interview, ada sorang candidate ni macam kenal rapat mesra dengan the whole bahagian penganjuran pelajaran. Saya x bekerja dengan Mara, saya bekerja dalam industry oil & gas.

    2nd, lets just say saya ni dulu student MRSM, sambung undergrad studies under SPC ikut result trial SPM, jadi selama lebih kurang 7 tahun bersama Mara, saya kenal cara mereka membuat kerja (dan selama ni tiada major problem, terima kasih Mara).

    Everything that I mentioned in the posts above, it’s based on common sense. Kan? Cuma kalau kite dipengaruhi emosi mungkin kita x dapat fikir betol2. Jadi saya cuma cuba rationalize any points given.

    Ok that’s it..Ada salah silap, mintak maaf ye.

  257. hmmm 7 years with MARA…MRSM , undergrad SPC MARA and now SPC for doing Master ….sorry …i’m not blaming u Miss A, i think this is a good reveal …….

    I rasa MARA perlu juga beri peluang kepada org lain yg tak pernah langsung dapat benefit dari apa – apa skim didlm MARA …. supaya adil utk kaum bumiputera yg lain…

    especially to those yang betul – betul bekelayakan tapi tidak berkemampuan …

  258. if you worked hard for it, then u deserve it. enough said.

  259. i’m not intend to hurt anybody feeling here …this is the reality ….this is not the first time i heard about this…..i believe in rezeki and i also believe in ……Cronysm …..

    Duit mmg tak akan cukup kalau org yg sama shj dpt peluang…sorry

  260. latahzan says:

    i’m also one of the candidate that didn’t get the scholar. I understand the pain you guys been through – the waiting, the postponement, and when the day finally come, the results is not like you have hoped.

    for those who got the scholar, congrates. For those who don’t, it’s ok , there’s always next year ( i’ve been hearing these a lot these couple of days, and starting to hate it already 😛 – but then again, hearing it from someone who GET the scholar sounds different from someone who don’t). hey, i know you guys just trying to comfort us but sometimes the greatest kindness can be the most cutting cruelty.

    anyway, don’t be sad, do not blame those who got the scholars – they don’t made the decisions, and remember you don’t always get what you want….

    peace y’all

  261. syuhada sham says:

    saya pelajar diploma, masih menuntut di IPTA. saya bercadang ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara dalam bidang teknologi makanan. saya tinggal lagi 3 semester nak habiskan diploma. CGPA buat masa sekarang 3.32. di bawah skim pinjaman apa yang melayakkan saya untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negara? lagi satu, ape maksud “Tawaran adalah tertakluk kepada pemohon mendapat Tawaran Tanpa Syarat di Universiti Terkemuka sahaja”? bagaimana nak melayakkan saya mendapat tawaran tersebut. Bantu la saya. Nak tanya pensyarah dan kawan-kawan malu sebab CGPA saya tak sehebat mana. Thanks.

  262. Salam.

    Dear ebg and all,

    I understand your feelings and predicament.

    I think, what makes a candidate different as to the other; is the mixture of everything – interview’s performance, future plans towards nation building as well as the vigilance to being a well-rounded person. Of course, prayers too.

    No doubt, that everyone that was called for the interview has what it takes to be a MARA scholar. Besides fulfilling MARA’s requirements, I think, one must be different in the interviewers’ eyes. Just want to share with you that during the interview, I had brought all my published writings, brochures and research -vide a compilation, and shared with the interviewers, how Malaysia should address the areas of research that I plan to pursue.

    Just a little bit out sidetrack story: I had the experience of not being successful for a first (1st) attempt for the British Chevening Scholarship (2005). Then, a year later (2006), I reapplied ; by diagnosing what went wrong and how to make myself relevant and “modest’ in the interviewers’ eyes plus doing some mock up interviews with previous British Chevening Scholars. The year 2006, I reapplied. Alhamdulillah, I got it. Modest and substance are the key. As for SPC, whilst my headway is very much on PhD research, 80% of the questions surrounded from my research proposal, in addition to securing a confirmed supervision and an unconditional offer from Queen Mary, University of London.

    On the point of CGPA, I think, that’s something which you can explain during the interview. Some universities (like British Universities) do not adopt CGPA alike of the US. So, I think, for the next attempt, you may want to highlight that to the panel. I was asked the same questions when the interviewers asked about my CGPA for my masters academic transcript. I shared with them the difference and they noded. If you need more details, do e-mail me for tips:

    By the way, I have just received the SPC conditional offer this morning (Saturday, 16 May 2009). Anyone who is in the same boat, could you e-mail me please. Thanks and have a grateful weekend everyone.

    Noriswadi Ismail

  263. Casablanca says:


    U know what, attacking Miss A doesn’t do you guys no justice…

    Well… I am the person who gets the SPC 4 degree with no attachment with MARA whatsoeva b4… My high school was SBP (not MRSM), my diploma I got JPA scholarship… and voila; degree under MARA pulak… who knows Masters/PhD under ape pulak kann?

    In my case, I’m not favored by cronysm. It’s shear hard work to get the SPC.

    Btw, I’ve received the offer letter set from MARA today… Have you guys received it yet? Sooo manyyyy things to fill / photocopy / chop / etc… Next monday jer tgk these stuff… I want to have a relaxing weekend… Hehe.

  264. Casablanca says:

    Wahh… baru perasan thread ni dpt anugerah bintang fofular… ‘most commented thread’ dlm ePutra gittu… Congrats U allz…

  265. I have yet to receive the offer letter. Wadi and Casa, nak tanya, MARA sent it via courier, pos laju or normal mail?


  266. Casablanca says:

    Via Poslaju…

  267. Dear Anira,

    It’s via Poslaju.

    Noriswadi Ismail

  268. Assalamualaikum,

    Thanks for sharing your info. Dear Casa and Wadi, I too have yet to receive the offer letter. But may I ask, is there anything stated there regarding btn? Date specifically.

    Many Thanks.

  269. casa and anira, can i have your email?

  270. Hi Miss A,

    You mentioned about working in oil & gas industry earlier. Where will you be studying? UK or Australia? Field of study? Im currently working in the same industry as you. Can i get your email address?

  271. mz..will be going to uk…

  272. Miss A, my email is
    Ada sesiapa yang semester starts this July? Harap dapat cepat Offer Letter. Nak tgk isi kandung since byk personal + kerja kena settle dalam masa yang mungkin tak sampai dua bulan ni.

  273. Salam all….hi.

    Good discussion going on in here. Very informative.

    Anyway, I heard there’s a certain period to make an APPEAL for those who didn’t get the SPC offer. Can somebody share the details with me regarding this – how to appeal, deadline, etc.?

    Thanks very much.


  274. Both my sister and brother applied for SPC MARA and they made it.. And both of them are ex-MRSM students.. I think MARA puts priority on ex-MRSM students.. Sorry, this is just my personal thoughts.. I did not get the offer, but I have got another sponsorship (not loan, alhamdulilah!!! But bonded la pulak…)
    Pada mereka2 yg berjaya dpt SPC, saya nasihatkan belajar rajin2 dan pastikan pointer tinggi supaya tak terseksa di kemudian hari.. All the best!!

  275. Salam to all,

    Those who have secured the SPC conditional offer letters; I have some questions:-

    i) BTN; there are no details on BTN. I think, we should call MARA officers to ascertain it; and

    ii) The documentation checklists; since most of the documents were compiled and forwarded during the submission of SPC application form [in my case], do we need to resubmit it again? I think, again, I need to call MARA officers for confirmation.

    In the meantime, would like to share this link for those who will be heading to the UK:

    Anyone who are experiencing the items i) and ii) above or has called MARA on the above, do enlighten me. Thanks.

    Noriswadi Ismail

  276. shodarian says:

    jhz Said,May 15th, 2009 @1:48 pm Is there anyone goin to Leeds?


    I’m going to Leeds also.Can you forward your e-mail?What area of study did you apply for?

  277. congrats to all of u who get the loan. I didn’t get it. huhkkkk. Pe2 pun, mesti ade hikmat di sebaliknye kan. Pada sape2 yg x berjaya tu, teruskan berusaha.Chaiyo..chaiyo….

  278. Dear Wadi,

    Thank you for your info pertaining to the offer letter.

    Who will be going to Australia this July? The clock is ticking fast. If no info on BTN in the letter, it seems that I have to delay the submission of my resignation letter. I have requested for extension of acceptance from the university twice. Any advice?

  279. so semua dah dapat surat ke? ade yg belum dapat?

  280. Salam,

    To SPC Awardees,

    I have called MARA on the BTN thingy at 2.47pm today. The officer advised that MARA will send a letter in relation to BTN details in due course. We have to await.


  281. shodarian says:

    anyone have the info regarding the top ten university ranking stated on the MARA offer letter?I called MARA and they advice me to search for the top ten university only. I already applied for LEEDS Univ. Anyone encounter this problem?

  282. do you mind stating the top 10 uni?

  283. shodarian says:

    she just said you just can check it on the internet

  284. oh, i thought the list stated in the offer letter. Then it’s fine la kan. Just search for the top 10 uni for your specific course, not the overall top 10 i think.

  285. anyone going to manchester??

  286. stellabridger says:

    Hello there..

    Just want to ask something..
    I went for an interview with Mara under SPC last week. Do any of you know when the result will be out?

  287. Dear Shodarian and SS,

    I think [please do not quote on my accuracy], the Top 10 Universities apply to Undergraduate. For postgraduate; you may want to refer to RAE 2008 Exercise for your respective course. Also, the The Times and The Guardian Rankings; though not authoritative; at least, your chosen course should be well regarded within the RAE 2008 exercise. The RAE exercise is the key indicator of research rigor and you should be able to distinguish how your chosen University has received fundings for the RAE. The higher RAE 2008 of a University has scored, the higher research funds a University will get. Do read:-


    Some universities’ websites or their faculties/schools have also featured how RAE 2008 scored. If possible, sometimes, we have to educate the MARA OFficer [with due respect] because postgraduate ranking should be primarily based on RAE, and the prestigue of the faculty/school also the supervisor that is authority in his/her field. I think, you need to make a thorough analysis on the RAE – in the case of Leeds, and how it ranks. For details, do google:-


    The Times Ranking for Universities and Subject Table:

    The Guardian Ranking:

    Hope it helps [by the way, only applicable to the UK universities]

    Noriswadi Ismail

  288. Casablanca says:

    Ade jugak interview SPC last week ek… Macam2 lah… (bile la nak buat medical checkup ni…)

  289. hi stellabridger,

    i pun pegi interview last week which is on 13th of May for spc…i think end of may br kuar result kot sbb i tanye the interviewer tu.

  290. stellabridger says:

    Hello mizz Said..
    Yup i pun interview on 13th May..mesti ada see u that day..
    end of may eh? so nervous

  291. ebg,

    i got an offer too at Delft (MSc Telecommunication). i tot i was the only one applied there. haha.

  292. Casablanca says:

    Forum ni nampak mcm dh masuk kubor…

  293. Any info on BTN?

  294. cINtA.mIRA says:

    hye sume…
    wah…rinie 28/05/09 kul 1.12 a.m…
    tetiba sy trgerak nk view website Twrn Blajar Luar nEgara perinGkat SarjanA..
    tHen,dPt bce sumE commenT2 dcni…inTerestinG sgT LAh..
    excited sy bCe c0Z mstI sume dCni pNdai2 n cemerLang kAn..
    erm…sY pljr uitm perak,22tHn..baru jer abis stdy Bachelor in Office Systems Management(Hons.) sincE July 06-May 09..
    sY dh g inTerview masTeR di UiTM S.aLAm dLm bdanG yg sAma bg sesi juNe nie,tp bLum dpT tAw kepUtusAn..huH..gementAr juGAk c0z sMgt nK stDy lg laa…
    sY tEringIn juGAk nK samBung MAster di Aus…Tp,sY xtAw cAra yG betUl uTk cApai imPian sY…perLu brMULA dR mAna yer?huhhuhuhu…help me plz..
    skRg GPA sy 3.7..sY hRp suMe dCni dPt bAntu sY uTk tRus bErjUAng…
    kPd Yg bAKAl LAnjutkan stDy di Aus/UK 0r anywhere,cOngratS yAA^_^

  295. Casablanca says:

    Susah2 jer buat font gittu. Kire mcm Picasso la?

  296. minesmalaya says:

    Hi all,
    i got an offer to melbourne univ aust (Master applied science in GIS).. Jul 09, .. now looking for a housemate (male)… sewa mahal la kat melbourne… anyone here still looking? emel (minesmalaya[@]yahoo[.]com)..

  297. cINtA.mIRA says:

    plZ coMMent on mY Q noT d FonT ~_^

  298. penunggu says:

    dh dpt tarikh btn lom?

  299. Salam,

    I have called the relevant Officer. He said we have to submit all of the required documents prior to / on or before the respective deadlines; except for the letter that certifies our BTN attendance. MARA will inform us on the BTN date once they have sorted out the details with the relevant Ministry.


  300. Casablanca says:

    Good job, Wadi. Nak hanta borang2 dah ni… Hihi

  301. salam..scholarship for tourism student utk nk ke oversea tk ader ker?

  302. Dah phone Mara tanya BTN few times. Still takde info. Camne ni dah nak berangkat July ni. Any news?

  303. my frenz yg keje kt mara said maybe the incident in 1997 will occurred is just a rumors..just pray 4 the best. tp i still igt lg that time my cousin dh prepare evrything.packed everythin’ but suddenly got phone call said the scholar has been canceled. die frust gle n lgsung xnk further study lg til now. so sad. but now die dh keje pn. whatever it is, be strong n good luck!

  304. penunggu says:

    btol fren yg kt mara pn ade ckp..die kuarkn result ari2 coz org dh push..n dh tertangguh agak strong my fren..

  305. Casablanca says:

    I wish i hadn’t read the last 2 posts bcoz I’ve been happy for the last (how many days have we received the result?). Now everything has been sucked away… Can someone please clarify this with MARA? Please this time, don’t be too little too late, lah. Be considerate. Kalau x nak bg ckp lah x nak bg awal2. bole kite concentrate on other things than ‘fantasy’…

  306. RUMORS..

  307. Dari hari tu punye rumors pon x betol.. dun worry laa casa.. don’t think much..

  308. Hope someone here can give some encouraging words/assurance about this matter….What about those who have tendered their resignation.

  309. Hye rin.. ain x rase laa sume ni jadi.. macam yg casa ckp, org kat mara tu bg tahu dia ‘awk beruntung dpt mara tahun ni’.. hmm.. xde keraguan disitu kn… 😀
    yg dpt ni yg btol2 dh dishortlisted.. xde mase laa mara nk main2 kan kite.. penat je ade 2 org yg interview stiap sorang seramai 1000lebe tu, selama 5 hari.. penat je pilih smpai jd 90 org.. xkan buat sume tu just sbb last2 nk bagi tahu ‘xde peruntukan dah’..hmm.. nonsense rite..?? Nak buat sume ni kan mesti ade perancangan awal.. kalau dh xde duit, awal tahun hari tu buat ape kuarkan iklan.. yg pasal tahun 1997 tu obviously in different situation..

    Pray for the best.. 🙂

    I trust MARA!!

    ym :

  310. Casablanca says:

    Betul tu akak aien. Kalo zz&penunggu betul, tq, & kite storm mara bpp beramai sbb dipermainkan. Kalo zz&penunggu salah, kite pun beramai carik both of u sbb kacau daun hepiness ktorang (hope not to happen la). I percaya, this is just a rumor~~

  311. penunggu says:

    we’ll see..rezeki 2 bkn sy yg kasi..kne ingt..papepn good luck everyone..

  312. Dear all,

    I have been requested by someone here to provide my not-so-authoritative peace of opinion.

    Note: I do not know anyone in MARA or any informers in MARA. But, what my instinct says is very much on the current internal systems and processes work – i.e., the communications and coordination. For those who have had submitted the documents prior to the deadline, I think, the next step is prayers. Also, we have not been informed on the BTN’s date too – and upon my various phone calls with different MARA officers, they are still coordinating it with the relevant Ministry. On this matter, we should also anticipate that offered SPC candidates may also face potential challenges/issues of securing the conditions in the letter of offer – that is one of the [possible] reasons as to why we could not get the BTN dates (the confirmed ones). And, there are some cases where offered SPC candidates were offered better scholarship package besides MARA, and they may have the tedency to decline and it also gives MARA a little bit time to review for a replacement by looking into their waiting list of reserved list candidates. And hence, a closed door SPC interview with them was held (note: please do not quote as authority, but based on my previous encounter as a British Chevening Scholar, this is how the Scholarship management works and I assume, MARA works the same way too alike of JPA, at least).

    So, the next “slightly pressing” issue is: whether MARA will abandon their SPC scheme or in other words, freeze the SPC scheme – by referring to the 1997 crisis? If you were to ask my opinion, I would say: No. Not because I am attempting to comfort myself or giving a higher ray of hope to other successful SPC candidates, but, my reason is stemmed out from the government’s commitment in the stimulus package. Once passed, it should be executed and implemented. The scenario in 1997 was a different ball game altogether. Now, the Government is much more smarter and we have powerful thinktank and advisers that could map the economic turnaround for our Country by addressing the current credit crunch in a different context of solution, via gradual stages. Amongst others; vocational training for retrehched workers and increasing loan packages for postgraduate studies. So, my point here is that: rumours are still rumours and market speculation is unavoidable. Perhaps, my two (2) cents / sense of opinion: Please avoid rumours and consider a possible tenacious efforts to beef up the current SPC’s communications and coordination.

    Let us pray that we will get our SPC Loan Agreement to be signed and the flight tickets in our hands; that’s the most priority; at least, something that we should endeavour for the time being.


  313. Aien, Wadi, Casa and others sama sama kita berdoa semuanya berjalan lancar. Insya Allah kita akan ke destinasi yang dituju.

  314. Incident 97 tu memang nightmare, nasib baik aku fly tahun 1996 a year before, tapi kalau sapa2 dlm bacth ni ingat kitorang buat petition hantar kat mara , next month DS Anwar Ibrahim (masa tu menteri kewangan) release duit daan fly le budak A-Level, American Associates Dg, dan Ausmat. Dan masa aku kat US , only budak engineering jer dia hantar dlm tahun 97.

    Dan aku sekali lagi melalui situasi yg sama, dapat offer master kat UK , tapi surat mara sampai la tak kunjung tiba, tanya mara plak dlm process.

    MARA , mcm biasa mengembirakan aku dan men saspen kan aku sentiasa, lepas dari master ni aku nak attached dgn MARA sbb nak bayar balik budi mara. Walaupun gaji kecik dan penuh dgn birokrasi , aku tetap nak balas budi mara.

  315. Info pasal BTN yang tahu dgr dari member yang baru lepas call Mara mungkin bulan 6 ni atau dalam bulan 7 bagi yang nak fly bulan 7 ni dulu. Katanya kursus BTN ni tengah penuh tu yang MARA belum dapat tarikh dan tempat.
    Sapa sapa tahu syarat2 pembayaran SPC bagi Master. Bila apply sampailah sekarang bila dapat offer sbnarnya tak terperasan kat mana ada dinyatakan tentang syarat-syaratnya.

  316. Casablanca says:

    Rin, pembayaran spc? u mean like repay the loan? — fly dulu, baru pikir 🙂

  317. Siapa nak ke Australia bulan July ni. Dah ok semuanya ke, agreement, full Offer Letter? Boleh kongsi kongsi info. Mcm ramai nak ke UK je.

  318. Aa Casa pasal loan repayment. Member2 asyik dok tanya Mara ni loan ke atau scholarship.

  319. selalunya spc ni convertible loan, contoh kalau degree dpt 4.00/4.00 x payah bayar, 3.50/4.00 bayar 1%…tu contoh je la, kene bayar atau tidak tu bergantung kepada bahagian kawalan kredit, nanti pas da abes blaja kene g report kat diorg and appeal kurangkan bayaran. tapi untuk spc kali ni xtau la macam mana.

  320. mase zaman abg aien, ada yg pointer x smpai yg mara nak, pastu kene bayar 30% pon bile smpai malaysia je, anta surat rayuan kat mara, terus x yah baya 1 sen.. tu zaman abg saya la… saje nak xshare info.. 😀

  321. Thanks for the info. Rin ada dgr dari info lain kata bayar 10percent and ada yang lain kata 1percent. Sama sama kita belajar rajin rajin, Insya Allah takyah bayar and then balas jasa Mara dalam apa jua cara.

  322. Dodo Cheng says:

    Ada yg pernah dpt SPC dulu plak x pyh byr langsung… Itulah, Casa dah cakap. belajar dulu, bayar kemudian (memang la kan?)

  323. yezzzaaa.. sama2 la kita blaja rajin2.. tu yang paling penting kn..! 😀

  324. ye, dapatkan 3 pointer and above, rayu sure lepas convert ke biasiswa penuh, no need to pay a single penny.

  325. I have an idea, apa kata kita letak the name of our uni, then mane tau leh tengok siapa2 yg dapat same, then we can make new friends :p Tapi kalau rasa malas, ignore je la suggestion ni ek hehe

  326. good idea..mine, university of manchester.. 🙂

  327. libertyhana says:

    hello people!!

    aien,u dpt uni of manchester??bestnyeee…course ape?i tgh tgu ofer letter uni of manchester still xkunjung tiba..sob2=(

    btw,i have a very important question to ask here
    korg nye offer letter conditional ker unconditional?

    yg uni i dah dpt sume conditional offer laa..kene baya deposit 1000 pound dulu baru jadi uncond..
    pastu i call puan fadzilah mara tu,die kate kene baya sendri the deposit,later mara will reimburse us..susah la camtu..bukan snang nak dpt rm6000 tibe2 je kan..
    ade sape2 facing same prob with me?ke korg sume dah secure uncond offer letter??

  328. salam,
    u guys cmua fly nex month ke? anyone yg fly akhr tahun ni?

  329. guys, bila BTN ni?? my intake orientation start 13th July..
    And oh, i paid in advance for the fees to get the confirmation + unconditional letter from the Uni..hope MARA can reimburse back the payment asap..byk gak tuuuu

  330. question here..i did the medical checkup for visa application already but mara require us to submit the medical checkup result..shud i re-do it again???
    anyone have any idea???

  331. Bella pergi Australia? Which Uni? On BTN, Mara said call next week to confirm. Most probably, those nak pgi July akan ke BTN dulu. U dah dapat ke Offer Letter subsequent to the conditional offer letter yang kita receive in May.

  332. Bella ke Australia ke? Which Uni? Called Mara last week, the staff in charge said call next week to check the BTN date. Mungkin those yang akan pgi July ni akan ke BTN dulu.

  333. Dodo Cheng says:

    Bella, ttg med chck up tu, Dodo simpan the original hepatitis A/X-ray report & only submit the photocopies to MARA (along with the original salinan med chck up MARA tu la…). Eh, Bella, U dh dpt Financial Affidavit dr MARA ker? BTN tu buat2 x tau jer… Malas nak pegi kalo ye pun (tp terpakse)…

  334. Dear all,

    I will be meeting up MARA Officer(s) this coming Thursday to submit all of the relevant documents.

    Upon submitting the documents; I will [inquisitively] ask these questions:-

    1) Post Offer Checklists: Does MARA have a detailed checklists for all offered SPC recipients (in the event there are changes to the date/time or any extension)? If they do not have one, I think, it’s best to have it available for our convenient. Meaning: this is to provide potential / future offered SPC recipients a breadth understanding; what to do and what to expect. Also, the do’s and dont’s. Cautiously note that there is a disclaimer in the offer letter which outlines that MARA has the rights to change or alter the terms and conditions. In this case, legally, we could not do anything. Yet, I hope, in whatever circumstances (on the change of details, extension and variations that may be occured) I think, the SPC recipients should be visibly informed appropriately. Perhaps, through innovative means; i.e., SPC blog or SPC recipients’ yahoogroup or Twitter – just a spring of idea here.

    2) BTN management: I will ask again the dates that will be applicable for those who will be departing to the United Kingdom. Though, through the threads of discussion here, it seems [conclusively] mentioned that offered SPC recipients who will be heading to Australia, would be given the ultimate priority (in the interest of time). In the event those who will be heading to the UK, this September/October, can they fill in the slot earlier or we just have to await the next cut off date.

    3) Advanced deposit payment: With due respect, I am quite uncomfortable (personally) to have learnt on MARA’s requirement to pay the advanced deposit payment to the Universities first. Granted that MARA will be reimbursing at a later stage. However, I pity and really really feel that this practice/management should be appropriately revisited, especially for those who are unable to fulfill the payment due to financial constraint. I will then suggest, perhaps, in a very diplomatic note that MARA should be able to have a special “advanced release fund” for selected candidates who are affected by the University’s policy – especially in the UK – where the offer will be turned into unconditional upon paying the advanced deposit to the University.

    The above are just my personal thoughts and have nothing to do against moaning and groaning on how the SPC management is being done. As all of us know, MARA has been very much accommodative to all of us. Thanks to them for awarding to us this SPC. Perhaps, it’s also the best time for us to work together with MARA [indirectly] and disseminate whatever outcome of discussions that everyone have had gone through; for a better informed diffusion. I think, it’s win-win and two (2) ways of expediting the current process and management that we are heading.

    I hope MARA would be able to respond my concerns and I will let you know the outcome in due course.


  335. salam all..

    who’s going to bristol, edinburgh, or southampton? need to find friends and finalize decision to enter which uni..

  336. hye libertyhana..

    aien dh dpt unconditional offer dari university of manchester pas seminggu ain submit ucas application tu.. xda kena bayar ape2 pon hana..
    juz, ain rajin email dia bg tahu ain perlukan unconditional cepat sbb ain nak bawa mase interview MARA… dia pon layan je ain, terus je bagi offer, pastu pos kan unconditional offer.. hana pon uni of manchester jgk ye?? 🙂 best2.. tambah lagi sorang kawan.. ain amek course chemical engineering.. how bout you??

  337. Cosmos,
    Dodo Cheng is going to Edinburgh, I believe.

  338. Dodo Cheng says:

    Wadi – I think ur suggestions r awesome & don’t 4get to update us, k…

  339. Update : Mungkin those yang akan pgi July ni tak sempat BTN. But still need to meet the requirement when they come back for semester break of after completion. Will check again.

  340. Dodo,
    Are you going to edinburgh? What course are u taking?

  341. oh ya..medical checkup tu i amik keputusan untuk submit dokter punya report je..xpayah buat 2 kali kerja coz i did one during my visa application..
    Harap2 xpayah pegi BTN la kan u..hehe..
    Anyone going to Australia? Bila class commence? Rasanya bila Mara nk bg tiket flight? Risaula kalau lewat2 ni

  342. BTN – 25 – 29 June ni. Rasanya hanya for those yang akan fly July ni termasuklah Rin. So sekarang Rin macam macam nak buat termasuklah esok kena siapkan kerja kat office. Kena makan vitamin nampaknya. Jumpa lagi.

  343. Dodo Cheng says:

    Rin – BTN 25-29 June ni? MARA x ajak pun… 😛
    Bella – U dh dapat Financial Affidavit ke dr MARA?
    Cosmos – Ain’t goin there 😛

  344. Dodo Cheng : by Pos Laju. Kalau pgi July ni pos laju tak dapt call Mara check nama ada dalam list tak.

  345. Dodo Cheng says:

    Rin, tq 4 da quick reply. I’m goin to UK early sept… I think mine will be l8r la. Good luck 4 ur BTN! Bnyk aktiviti berat dgrnye 😛

  346. Salam to all,

    Updates as at 25 June 2009, 3pm:

    I met the Officer in charge and submitted all of the documents (pending my IELTS result – to be announced tomorrow). Since I will be away to Jakarta, Jogjakarta and London until 6th July, I informed her that British Council will post my results directly in which the same has been addressed to her. Besides, I will e-mail her the online unofficial results. For other documents, Alhamdulillah, mine is in order, except for the BTN.

    On BTN, she advised [to keep alert from time to time] especially for those – SPC candidates – who will be outbound for UK. She also gave me the KPKK forms to be filled in. The forms should be sent to her as soon as possible. As the guideline suggests, I have to enclose another 2 passport sized photo. I think, calculatively and overall, I have utilised10 photos just for the purpose of SPC document submission. She asked me whether I will be departing alone? I said: Yes. Before I left, she said, she will book a ticket for me as soon as possible. I was in cloud nine already at that time 🙂

    Transliterally, from my personal experience with MARA today, I think we should avoid rumours on the 1997 incident will be repeated. Do pray for that religiously folks.

    PhD Candidate
    CCLS, Queen Mary, University of London


  347. ada sesiapa yg pergi ke australia, boleh mohon lagi ke tidak, saya pi mara depa kata dia tak hantar ke uk or us, dia suruh pi local U, tapi diorang suggest gak kalau ke aussie mungkin ada pluang, so kalau saya apply sekarang ok tak, bila boleh dapat unconditional offer

  348. i applied for manchester in chem eng Msc.

    Did anyone check JPA qualification x?
    So little display in the result. scare me.

    A little concern on the application. sikit je top 10 uni in affordable area in UK. London is rejected

  349. Dodo Cheng says:

    S’sara, I pun dh concern bout this thing aritu & asked few peps… No matter la, asalkan top univ sudeh… n of coz the UNIV not the SUBJECT diiktiraf pun ok, I think. Btw, for chem engin in UK, only UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD shj yg diiktiraf… I pown x pernah dgr univ ni 😛

  350. Salam, just want 2 ask..mostly cmua org dah submit all documents ke????anyone yg p uk utk sept intake x???

  351. guys, i’m flying off to Aussie next week but still tunggu2 financial affidavit/agreement letter.. ada sesapa yang dah dapat? boleh syer x kita akan dapat elaun apa/MARA akan bagi monthly berapa kat kita apart from the tuition fees??

  352. Dodo Cheng says:

    Bella, U dh gi btn? nape U x call org MARA BPP regarding this matter?

  353. tangguh BTN coz da xsempat..MARA replies yg the pengarah is not around…

  354. rina abdullah says:

    regarding BTN, semalam i pi MARA antara one document yang tercicir that day for SPC, and i got my BTN letter too.. boxes of BTN letter were pocessed for postage at that time. and i believe by today all of them should be on delivery.

    Maklumat about BTN

    Date 9 hingga 13 July 2009
    Venue: BTN Ulu Sepri Rembau N9.

    Registration form to complete first and fax to BTN Office in Putrajaya soonest possible and it’s original (with one passport size photo) kena bawak ke kem BTN later…

    No transportation. Go there by yourself. And for ladies, sila sediakan or beli baju kurung sekolah putih dan kain hitam and white long sleeve shirt utk aktiviti2 lain.. wajib putih katanya… the rest lain lain keperluan la…itu jer la yg saya ingat..

  355. wahh.. thanx rina for the info..!!
    kat rembau ye.. dekat laa ngan rumah saya kat seremban nih..
    😀 😀 😀

  356. Dodo Cheng says:

    Betul ker kene gi sendiri… Mane tau jalan kat Rembau ni… 🙁

  357. Hi guys,

    Nak tanya if korang tau macam mana nak buat rayuan for SPC ni? Nak contact siapa kat BPP and all that?


  358. mane laa surat BTN ni… hmmm..

  359. bile die post surat btn nih.. maybe this week kot dpt..

  360. rina abdullah says:

    *wonder.. orang lain dah dapat surat BTN ke tak ni? *

    i hope by today dah ramai la yg dpt surat BTN tu. Takut le jugak kang pegi sana nanti beberapa orang je yg mendaftar..sunyi la..hehehe..

    so guys, hope to see u all in Ulu Sepri.. Dodo, MARA provide u with the map on how to reach there. Sure boleh la.. drive ur car and park in the kem compound!

  361. to bella,

    elaun cukup punya… mabe terlebih kot.. but kene la pandai2 manage.. jgn boros sgt.. coz aku tgk, student2 yang gov sponsor ni, spend giler2 kat oversea.. aku dah tak sabar nak balik ni, nak makan sate… 🙂

  362. pergh.. ramai yang dapat ek SPC.. tahniah semua.. biler u all kene pergi BTN.. aku punya BTN dulu dekat ulu sepri.. saper2 pergi sana.. kirim salam dekat pak hamdan.. by the way.. make sure u all, settle kan semua borang2 bara dan submit dgn cepat.. coz akan jem dekat VFS start bulan ogos, selalunya la.. aku dulu.. prob gak coz nak dpt kan financial affidavit dari mara untuk apply visa..

    note:- saper2 yang sambung study dekat leeds university.. ada bilik kosong ni.. aku balik bulan ogos ni.. dlm 250 pound jer sebulan.. contact aku


  363. btn : meru, klang..
    date : 20-24 july..

    jumpe kat sane ye.. 🙂

  364. Salam semua..
    ermm sya kan dpat offer for feb 2010..for Uni of queensland..boleh ke apply for the uni in top 10?
    Kalau x pon..Boleh tak nak apply SPC any time soon?like Nilam said in the 2nd post?

  365. Salam to all,

    I have just come back from “Kursus Kenegaraan Luar Negara for Masters, PhD and Sub-Kepakaran” at Kem Bina Negara US (read as: Ulu Sepri) Rembau, Negeri Sembilan from 9th July 2009 until 13th July 2009. Statistically, for the batch I attended, there were 106 attendees comprising scholars from MARA, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, British Chevening, Petronas and Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam. Overall, it was an eye opening, informative and intriguing experience. “Syabas” to BTN! In a way, it has had made me realise the importance of being patriotic and appreciate our history within the realm of social contract.

    For those who have not attended the BTN, the only expression that I could say is: “Jangan Susah Hati” – a borrowed quotation from our “Jurulatih Kem”. It’s pact, enjoyable and lively. Plus, you will be able to build new friendship, networks and contacts.Take that opportunity.

    My next course of actions would be:-

    i) To submit the “Borang Lampiran B” to BPP MARA; and
    ii) Await the issuance of Visa Letter by the University and the Financial Affidavit from BPP Mara.

    Once the above have been collated, I will then manage the Visa application. As I have been informed, the Visa’s Office will face a long queue sometime end of July to end of August (it’s the peak season for those who will be departing to the UK). Hopefully, everything would be manageable. My only question to BPP MARA is on the Visa application fee; which is within the range of RM890 (do not quote me on the accucary, but it’s RM800 plus) – whether it would be from our own pocket expenses or claimable from MARA.

    Till then. Will update and touch base later. Good luck everyone!


    Noriswadi Ismail
    PhD Candidate
    Queen Mary, University of London

  366. my friend dh tanya mara last week, visa application fee tu bole claim.. 😀

  367. Casablanca says:

    Blom pape dh dpt aggreement mara today… next wk btn pula… mesti rush nak isik. 🙂

  368. rina abdullah says:


    I just met with Pn. Fadilah MARA last Thursday while sending the BTN form. And i have asked her that similar question too + few more as below..

    1. Visa fee claimable to MARA? – No. On your expenses.
    2. Travelling to BTN claimable? – No. On your expenses.
    3. Loan Computer for Masters and Phd? – No.
    4. Medical check-up expenses claimable? – No. On your expenses.

    So, there seems no consistency between her answers and somebody else’s (to aein). And for time being, just keep all receipts safely.. manala tahu kot2 one day depa kata buleh claim pulak…hehehe..

    tu aje.

  369. yes it’s true. we cannot claim the visa fee from MARA. I asked a friend who’s under SPC & currently studying in uk, and she said we cannot claim the visa fee.
    The agreement documents which I received last Friday stated the things which is covered by mara only and how much they’ll be giving us (per month and per year, in pounds and ringgit). Nothing about visa & medical. But yeah, i still keep all my receipts.. just in case. hehe.

  370. rina abdullah says:

    another info i got late yesterday..In order MARA to process for Affidavit & Agreement, they need a copy of our valid Passport (page yg ada self info). Please send them to Ms Nurin (

    And according to Ms Fadillah, Nurin, Azman and Iffah (the other team) will be in-charged of Agreement & Affidavit. So pls contact these people to find out. They are still under same department level 3 tu…

  371. hmm.. nape kawan ain kate bole claim ek visa tu.. pelik nye..
    kalo x bole claim, bnyk jgk tu..
    btol la kan, in case of anything mesti simpan resit! 😀

  372. salam,i’ve rejected MARA because i got another it is hoped that they will choose other qualified candidates..for those who already prepare to fly this july or september..wish all da bes u guys..

  373. hello again..
    bleh x sesiapa jwab post saya kat atas tuh??
    kalau nak apply spc nih mmg kna tggu next year ke?
    sbab dah dpat intake july09 tp defer to feb2010 sbab xde sponsor.
    any ideas korang?

  374. Casablanca says:

    kalo spc ader next yr, iklan mb dlm jan/feb for intake jul-feb the next yr Miss…

  375. utk iklan SPC next year, biasenye nak check kat mane ye?or anything that need to aware?

  376. Casablanca says: obviously… most peps yg succeed sume dh bersedia the yr b4… so, u need to get head start.

  377. Faiz, iklan spc selalu keluar bulan Januari, other than the ad in the website, ade jugak keluar kat newspaper so memang kena alert la. For the university placement, perhaps you can start to narrow down the choices of course yg u nak amek, nanti dah keluar spc ad boleh la you start apply. Sempat je untuk dapat placement before interview, in fact ramai je buat macam tu. And for Ielts, it’s up to you to do it now or after you’ve gotten the result. Having done the Ielts prior to your interview would be 1 advantage la untuk sebut masa interview, but kalau xde pon, i dont think it would be a problem.

  378. Ok, thanks guys. Actually I memang plan nak prepare semua before apply for the SPC. I just registered for the eilts exam. Hopefully i can make it for the next SPC and be one of the lucky candidate yg qualify further study with this SPC program. By the way, tahniah utk semua yg dpt. 😀

  379. perhatian untuk master student UK

    saper2 yang dah dapat afidavit and masih belum buat visa lagi, make sure u all check start date and also tarikh tamat. MSc selalunya setahun di UK, contoh nya macam saya, start 23/9/2008 and habis pada 22/9/2009 mengikut surat tawaran universiti. and mara telah nyatakan di afidavit saya, dimana mara akan sponsor selama 12 bulan dari sept08- aug09. memang la 12 bulan. tetapi saya sepatutnya akan habis pada bulan sept09. bukan elaun yang penting untuk afidavit ni. oeleh kerana afidavit itu BC telah bg visa saya sehingga 31 ogos sahaja,walaupun kita sepatutnya habis pada bulan sept. BC memang tegas dalam pemberian visa ni untuk sponsor student sekarang.

    saya sekarang menghadapi masaalah kerana VIVA MSC saya pada 8 sept and saya akan balik pada 11 sept. kalau nak extend kene byr 300 pound ++.. mahal.. sy just nak extend untuk 2 minggu sahaja.. sekarang tgh deal dengan student office untuk bagi nasihat tentang status saya.

    Mohd Ruzaini
    MSc student
    University of Leeds

  380. Casablanca says:

    Btol tu Ruzaini… for me Visa mmg leceh. Name x complete dlm Visa Letter x pass Visa… tempoh2 ni pown kena betol2 tgk. Hm, sampai ke peringkat akhir pown cabaran still banyak…

  381. Hi,
    Dont worry pasal 12 bulan tu. Sbb visa bg extension 4 months extra till Jan 2011. En. HAzman cakap it’s okay. And i proceeded with my app.End date tak kesah sangat, sbb memang ikutkan course kite 12months kan? but because of our starting date is in late sept, now it looks like it’s 13 months. but it’s actually 12 months and 1 week je. I got my visa approved on Tuesday, and applied last Friday, eventhough my affidavit says 12 months (Sept 09-aug10) and my visa letter (22 Sept09-30 Sept10), looks like 13 months kan?. But it’s memang 12 months, and never is 13 months pun. The British High Com is aware of this. Lagi pun, they only want to make sure that u have at least 9months punya allowance (for 1 year course), not 12 or 13 (Stated in the visa application Tier 4 Appendix 8).

    Just make sure your visa letter meets the requirements, ok. Bin and binti takde in your visa letter is okay, but your actual full name must be the same as stated in your passport. Kalau tak, i think any country pun tak lepas. hee.

    Anyway, good luck to all of you. Siapa yang 12 13 months problem tu, no need to get things changed or whatsoever. You can proceed. nanti lambat, visa application will take days to be approved. Skarang awal lagi, coz mine only took 2 days je. =D hurry!

  382. Casablanca says:

    Yess. name dalam visa letter mmg sensitif bg VFS ni. my univ had to courier my new visa letter just bcoz they missed my middle name.

  383. salam..
    nak tanya ape top 10 u di uk yg ditaja mara.
    kalu dpt offer degree bradford..leh apply x..
    skrang last sem civil di uitm..

  384. mz, u are lucky.. coz dpt 13 bulan walaupun u punya affidavit state sampai aug.
    my status sekarang, home office tak nak buat correction kerana dia kata MARA yg buat silap tentang tarikh dalam affidavit. so home office nasihatkan sy untuk extend visa (Tier 4) cost dia more than 300 pound, extend just dapat sampai bulan january.

    Kenapa ada org yang dapat extra 1 bulan, ini kerana ada lebih dari seorang pegawai BC yang check permohonan kita. so.. ada pegawai yang faham tentang status kita.. and ada yang tak faham.. so sebab tu saya dapat sampai bulan ogos dan kawan sy yg apply same date dgn saya dapat extra 1 bulan.

    kerana situasi yang saya dan ramai lagi hadapi, saya nasihatkan, mintak mara ubah tarikh tu sebagai langkah keselamatan.. maner la tau.. ada yang dapat kurang sebulan.. itu pun kalau mara nak tukar tarikh la.. pandai2 la korang ek..

    note:- hanya org yang self sponsor atau sewaktu dgn nya sahaja yang berhak mendapat extra 4 bulan untuk stay di UK. itu kata pegawai Home office. klu sponsor2 ni.. memnag leceh.. coz they all betul2 tgk surat kita dari sponsor.

    start next week.. dah start warga malaysia datang ke Uk ni.. selamat berpuasa di musim panas.. siang panjang tau.. puasa pun panjang.. 🙂

  385. to chan..

    u kene check sama ada course yang u plan nak ambil tu top 10 di uk atau tidak.. maksud top 10 tu bukan maksudnya overall ranking untuk uni itu, tetapi untuk course yang dijalan kan di uni berkenaan.

    Macam course yang saya ambil sekarang di Leeds university – EE engineering. last year ranking no 1 di UK.

    satu lagi, try check sama ada JPA iktiraf ker tidak..

  386. Casablanca says:


    I dpt extra 4 months. yippee!!! lucky la. buat visa pon 3 hari jer…

  387. Hi guys,
    I’m taking Msc applied Process Control @ Newcastle uni, UK. Sept 2009 intake.
    Uk n esp Newcastle student r welcome to add me in ur loop.
    Senang kalau nak contact nanti kan.

    ym/ facebook:

  388. hmmm… xde sape ke yg fly 16 sept malam ke manchester…

  389. nak bertanya la.mase nak mintak borang kat MARA utk apply SPC ni nak bawak ape?saya sambung master

  390.…saye pn berminat nk further std thru spc nih..bukan offer akan dibuka pd awal tahun ini..bulan berapa xtau..blh ade sesiape tlg confirmkan…tq

  391. sape blh bgtau bile spc dibuka utk tahun depan..

  392. tahun ni spc mara bukak bulan januari..
    borang bole p amik kt mara jalan raja laut tu atau by post..
    dia bukak dalam 2 weeks je..
    so alert la ye..
    biasanya every year cmtu r.
    then bulan 3@4 mara pggil sape yang dipilih utk interview..
    tahun ni bersepah candidate yang dpt surat interview sampai penuh bgunan mara tu.. tp yg bejaya sikit je..sangat sedih~
    tahun lepas semua dpat surat interview tu, hampir semua bejaya..
    harap2 tahun dpn mcm tahun lps la yek..
    bulan 5 result kuar la..
    tp tahun ni mara mmg cm serabut skit r coz economy kot..
    result pon kuar lambat..
    then bulan 9@10 dah bole fly~~

    selamat memohon n semoga berjaya~~ ;p

  393. Mr Leo,
    Terima kasih dengan maklumat tersebut.

  394. btw, nnti time nak ambik borang tu nak kena bawak ape?

  395. skim pinjaman ni untuk bumiputera saje ke?? ke utk malays saja?? org cina layak ke x???

  396. miew miew,
    boleh sy dpt email awak tak?

  397. nak amik borang tu kena bwk transkip akademik.
    pastu result spm..spm nk kena lulus smua.\
    skim ni utk bumiputra.

  398. To anisz

    my email is;

  399. does anybody get MARA scholar for the final year ACCA P1-P5?
    if u do where do u apply it?
    cuz most uni for ACCA ,they want u to pay 1st?
    is anybody in this situation?

  400. Salam to all,

    It has been quite sometime I last wrote here.

    Just a brief comment on what Mr. Leo said: re; During my time (SPC 2009/2010), MARA had to reduce the number of scholars due to budget constraint. I would say, only 50% of the people that were called for interview succeeded. Reasons were also stemmed out from the ranking of Universities, chosen field vis-a’-vis subject table ranking in The Times or Guardian (for UK universities), IELTS, BTN and other crucial accompanying conditions. You will only be offered a firm scholarship offer once you would have fulfilled all of the conditional offers. I have stumbled across an online news that for 2010 onwards, MARA will be only sending students to Top 10 World’s Best Universities. Unsure, how they shall implement that. Please secure the necessary advise from authorised MARA officers, not insiders. Given the fact that at postgraduate level or postgraduate research level, the criteria differs. Largely based on subject table ranking and supervisors’ availability.

    For hopeful SPC scholars (generally), my advise would be:-

    1) Take your IELTS early. Score at least Band7.5-8.0;

    2) Consult MABEC for University ranking if you are unsure. Also to refer to the latest The TIMES or The Guardian (for UK). For US, Australia or other Universities, you should consult MABEC;

    3) Make sure you know what you want to study (MARA prefers students who really know and very much serious/focus on their study plans)

    4) Make a homework on your chosen University (it is very useful during the interviewing stage)

    5) For PhD applicants (ensure that your proposal is up-to-date, well-defined and your potential supervisor is interested to supervise you). It is also best to secure a firm unconditional offer earlier. Conditional offer is also okay, as long as you could fulfill the remaining requirements prior to MARA’s deadline.

    6) For Masters’ applicants – competition is very tough. You must be different during the interview and what makes you be the deserving candidate to being a MARA SPC Scholar.

    7) English is very important – so much so, the interview will be conducted in English. Make sure you have the flair, fluency, confidence and groomed well.

    8) In your personal statement, or CV or essay, you must relate your intention on how your chosen field of study will be able to contribute towards nation building. Don’t brand yourself that the reason you want SPC is because you want to get a higher pay and for personal satisfaction. That will inhibit your chance, though.

    9) Note that when you fill in your application form, you must show strong evidence of your excellent results. Also, your extra co-curricular activities. MARA has a scoring system for that. An Officer told me that the pre-interview, interview and post-interview stages carry marks and they rank it based on merit.

    10) During my time, approximately, around 300 made the cut out of thousands of applicants (only for SPC scheme). Out of 300, not more than 20 secured SPC for PhD studies. Also, please debunk ongoing rumours. Focus, prepare, make your homework early, and let Allah do the rest. I had had encountered many rumours (mostly, unreliable) in most stages. Interesting. Shocked. Captivated. But, at the end of the day, if rezeki is yours, you will get it. Pray hard, Insya’Allah!

    NOTE: The above may be applied generally to all fields of studies, ACCA, Masters and PhD. The bottom lines are: accuracy, consistency, coherency and maturity in your application.

    All the best to future MARA SPC Scholars.

    You can email me at: if you require further tips. I could accommodate within the best of my ability.

    Salam Eidul Adha
    Noriswadi Ismail

  401. Noriswadi Ismail,
    Salam… terima kasih dengan pengalaman dan maklumat yang dikongsi. Semoga ia dapat memberi manfaat kepada pembaca lain.

  402. ada sesiapa boleh membantu saya mengenai UCAS?

  403. bile MARA open offer tahun nih?dh masuk bln jan dh nih

  404. Ada siapa2 call MARA whether this year ada offer SPC atau tidak?

  405. utk 2010 ada tak spc?

  406. salam.

    baru je call mara ari tu… this yr they all blum offer lagi spc… tgh tgk ada budget ke tak…

    tp better u call them just to double check. thks.

  407. Hi,

    Ada sesape tau bila SPC 2010 akan keluar? Dah hujung2 bulan Jan dan masih no news. Risau plak tahun ni takdek budget ker…

  408. Bad News untuk mereka yang ingin mengambil Masters….

    Saya baru sahaja menghubungi MARA Bhg. Penganjuran Pelajaran dan tahun ini TIADA tajaan untuk Ijazah Sarjana/Masters.


  409. ashtee betul ker?? ckpdgn pegawainye nama ape??? frustnyer..saya dah prepare semuanya…

  410. mnajib: tak tau la nak cakap betul ke tak…i asked my friend to call MARA again to double check, pegawai lain yang jawab and jawapannye tetap sama. Why dont u call MARA and triple check? And they also said iklan akan kuar bulan March. I also have prepared everything…so frustrated right now.

  411. Aisehh..yeke??sy pun dah prepare sumer…

  412. Yupz, dah triple check dgn pegawai MARA. And they said tahun nih memang takdek budget utk taja pelajar Masters dlm or luar negara.

  413. Keciwa 🙁

  414. salam,

    i am currently studying in Robert Gordon University dekat Aberdeen Scotland..
    but so far blum apply mana2 scholarship/loan sebab baru je enroll september 2009, as in for now pakai duit snediri dulu..

    saya nak apply for SPT this year,and im taking my architecture degree here..

    any news for SPT?degree pon diorg x sponsor ke this year?

  415. Kerol,

    If i’m not mistaken, SPT is for local program only. not sure whether they have allocation for it this year but even if they do, it is not applicable to you since you are studying abroad.

  416. i know they have mentioned it on their website about SPT ‘untuk dalam negara sahaja’

    but the thing is kawan saya ada yang apply SPT ni and dapat loan tu,not only one but a few of them,and they are all here in the UK..

    that’s what puzzles me now,boleh ke tidak sebenarnya kalau nk apply SPT ni klu kita dekat oversea?

  417. The last time I checked with MARA (last month) SPT is only for local studies only.
    I’m giving up my hope for MARA. But you can always try to apply loan from Yayasan Negeri i.e. Yayasan Pahang, Yayasan Selangor. Some of them gives out loans for oversea studies. Good Luck!

  418. salam everyone, baru je call mara pagi ni..pegawai mara ckp at the moment mara tgh kaji kedudukan kewangan mara.dorang xde plan lagi sama ade perancangan untuk SPC mara dorang mintak tunggu je iklan kt web atau paper..but aku rase mcm tahun ni dah xde..since dah bulan februari skg..

  419. thanks ashtee for the suggestions..if SPT dah takde maybe nak try my luck for SPC,but if no other choice i might go for the yayasan..

  420. i didnt took bio for spm09, nevertheless i sat engineering drawing paper. a bit confuse…sal kriteria spc scholars. adakah pelajar bkn stream sains tulen layak terima spc? thanks..
    p/s: ada offer spc x thn ni?

  421. bila nk keluar iklan mara ni,ada ke tak tahun ni?

  422. saya nak tny,kalau dalam bidang physiotherapy MARA tak taja ke luar negara ker?saya dah ada tempat di university of teeside dalam bidang nie peringkat sarjana tapi takde sponsor?agak agak saya ada peluang tak nak dpt pinjaman MARA nie?mintak mintak la ada peluang…

  423. saya dh dpt unconditional imperial college utk master..stakat ni dh 5 scholar kne reject..tktau nk cr mne lg..

  424. zainihafz says:

    mase spm dulu saye ade subjek yg x kredit tapi pass…so kalau sya repeat subjek tu MARA akan terima kelayakan sya x?

  425. salam..

    masa spm sy, ada 2 subjek (chemistry & biology) xkredit tapi pass, tp sy ada amik pra dip sains dari uitm (tamat dgn cgpa 3.67).. abis pra sy sambung diploma sains fizik & cgpa sy 3.37.. sy masih layak ke utk apply?

  426. nk tnye klu lepasan diploma mcm sy, ada peluang tak untuk dpt pinjaman ni untuk sambung ijazah (civil engineering) kt luar negara?(CGPA 3.5)

  427. a'kum..
    nk tanye borang mara tu kuar bile ye??
    bole kasi tau bulan brp x?

  428. salam…saya nk tanya cara nk mohon belajar ke luar negara..macam mana??

  429. arif hafiz says:

    saya bakal pelajar politeknik.bolehkah saya memohon pinjaman mara?

  430. fadhli woot woot says:

    bro and sista! 😀
    saya nak tnye spc ni kne apply b4 or after dpt result?
    org ckp klu dh dpt tmpt kt uni kt luar ,sng dpt schlrship??betol ka..cucurios


  431. yow, salam..eheh, pada akhir tahun 2010, aku dh apply spc mara bg kemasukan 2011. interview di mrsm pc. tunggu punya tunggu sampai bulan januari 2011, call officer MARA, aku x de rezeki…

    Spc bukak lagi ker?

  432. Chop!!aku apply dah spc sama r cam ko, lily.. Buat wadi, kami apply spc 2011 pada akhir tahun 2010. guna result trial spm mrsm. Bukak lgi kot 4 this year.. Not much helping..sorry..

  433. program pasca ijazah dah di buka..due date april 13 2011

    tp tak sure SPC or bukan SPC..

  434. result utk temuduga dah keluar ke?

  435. memang kena apply universiti dulu ke? interview 24 may, tapi tak apply uni lagi. macam mana ni??

  436. ade sesape dapat MARA 2011?

  437. salam..saya nak tanya, if buat phd dlm negara, bleh apply utk pinjaman mara tak?

  438. salam tuan. saya nak tau biasiswa Mara untuk pelajar lulusan Matrikulasi KPM tahun 2011/2012 bila nak iklan?yakni untuk pengajian dalam negeri.

  439. MOHD HAFIZ says:

    assalam sy hafiz nak tanya ada tak pinjaman pengajian luar negara pada tahun 2013 ini? sy ada dapat offer dari University kat ireland kemasukan sesi sept., sy ingin memohon pinjaman mara ini tetapi sy punya SPM ada subjek yg tak kredit adakah sy layak memohon? sy punya lepsn diploma cgpa 3.62… dpt twarn in BA banking & finance…. ada lgi tak pls bgtau ek.. TQ

  440. adiy nur says: merupakan pelajar IPTA yang masih mengikuti pengajian di peringkat diploma dalam jurusan pengurusan hotel. Awal Jun nanti, sy berada di semester 3. soalan sy, bolehkah sy memohon untuk belajar di luar negara dan mendapat biasiswa setelah menamatkan pengajian di peringkat diploma? buat masa ini, result bg kedua-dua semester adalah 3.33 dan 3.32.. sy tahu msih terlalu awl utk bertanya. dan saya juga ingin bertanya. apakah perbezaan A-levels dengan IELTS? sekiranya sy dpt menyambung pengajian di luar negara, perlukah sy mengambil A-levels selain IELTS?

  441. If sy x dpt semua kredit spm mcm mne ? 9 credit n 3 x kredit … Nak kene amik balik ke spm?

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